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[Closed] Clean a Backface Culling

Hi to all guys…i’m italian and i’m a beginner on 3ds…and i need an help from you all…
So i ask sorry in advance for my english but i thinks is not so bad…anyway here my problem…

i’ve extracted a 3d model from one game…and i wanna use it on another one (or also use it for training and also for test on 3ds itself) but i see there are some parts…like hairs…clothes etc that are visible just from one side…and if i rotate the camera…this part are visible or not.
Here a screen…so you can understand better.

So basically i ask you if there is any solution for “remove” this backface culling…(without delete the mesh or the indicated part)
i don’t want a solution for “see” this part…because i can easily use and assign a texture double faced on that parts and i’ve done (so i can use it on 3ds without any problem…but on the other game i need to give this model with a standard texture…so)…i wanna “clean” this model from this BC, so i can use this model in other game without have any problem with these textures.

Hope you understand ^^
Thanks in advance for the answers and greetings from sicily!

7 Replies

I’ve already found a solution but i wanna know if there are other…
Anyway for solve this in this moment i’ve duplicate the interested mesh/part with the snapshot, and flipped the polygons…after that i’ve merged the 2 parts in one…if there are other solutions let me know ^^
Thanks anyway for the help.

I personally would just model the back faces on.

You pretty much have only two choices:

  1. If the game engine supports doublesided materials use that feature.
  2. If it doesn’t, duplicate the faces that are only visible inside 3ds max and flip the normals.

Something to bear in mind though, is that even if your engine supports double sided rendering, if you have say a 4000 poly mesh and you only need double sided on 20 faces, turning on a double sided shader could mean its double siding all 4000 faces which isnt very efficient…

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I’m pretty sure that for this model an extra shader should be used which does alpha blending for the hair and should not cull backfaces. For the rest of the object, a different shader should be applied.
Increases drawcall number by one, but is surely more optimal than to model the backfaces and get z-buffer / poly overlap fighting in the engine…
EDIT: just re-thought about it , z-buffer fighting should not occur on the double faces when BF culling is enabled …

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100% agree with this post.

My point being, that if a double sided shader is going to be used, make sure its only on the bits that need it.

As for z fighting, if the shader is not double sided then its a bit of a moot point.