[Closed] Circle Collision
Even though Ive used max since before its initial release I never really spent the time to learn script. I’m ashamed to say it but I’m a newbie if there ever was one. I ve had the good fortune to work with people very adept at creating tools or lived off the good graces of friends when Ive needed something script wise. Anyway, Now im trying to get my head wrapped around it and subsequently, Im trying any number of little tests to learn the simple stuff or get things working that would be hard to do through the normal UI.
This circle collision script was a more dynamic version of circle packing. Normally this would be done with dart throwing or something a bit less brute force. In this case its very brute force and hence ugly and slow, but fun all the same.
Take a look. [ https://vimeo.com/60926441 ]( https://vimeo.com/60926441)
-- Circle Collision
-- Dynamic Circle packing
-- Circles are placed in a domain and then push their neighbors till there are no overlaps
-- Michael Spaw
-- Morphographic.com
-- Started 02/05/13
-- ver 0.01 02/08/13
-- Here are the steps for the algorithm
-- 1. N# of circles are placed randomly within the bounding shape
-- and the wirecolor is set to yellow
-- 2. For each circle its closest neighbor is found
-- 3. Based on the vector between the circle and its closest neighbor the circle
-- is moved just a bit in the oposite dirrection
-- 4. The neighbor and repulsion setp is looped through till there are no overlaps
-- Also of note you can see the wirecole change based on if the circle has been moved or is stationary
-- Setup
aqua = (color 87 224 198)--Create a color to be used for the bounding shape
drawRad = 3 --the radius of the circles
radvary = 0.7 --The amount of variation in the radius of the circles
numcircles =200 --Total number of circles created within the test
Iterations = 5000 --Total attemps to move the cicrcles so they no longer collide
initxpos = 50.0-drawrad --Inital x position for the circle minus some to keep it in the bounding rectangle
initypos = 50.0-drawrad --same for the y
delete objects--Lets clearout all the objects before we start
Rectangle length:100 width:100 pos:[0,0,0] wirecolor:aqua --a nice bounding rectangle for neatness
fn blendcolor a b x =
return ((a) * (1 - (x)) + (b) * (x))
blendTime = 10
startColor = red
endColor = yellow
fn setColor startColor endColor obj blendTime = (
StartColorV = [startColor.r,startColor.g,startColor.b]
endColorV = [endColor.r,endColor.g,endColor.b]
colorDelta = (StartColorV - endColorV)*(1.0/blendTime) *-1
currentColor = [obj.wirecolor.r,obj.wirecolor.g,obj.wirecolor.b]
L = (length (endColorV - currentColor))
if (L > (length colorDelta)) then (
newColor = currentColor + colorDelta
obj.wirecolor = (color newColor.x newColor.y newColor.z)
obj.wirecolor = endColor
--Make some circles in the bounding area
Circles= #()
for i = 1 to numcircles do
p = (random [-initxpos,-initypos ,0.0] [initxpos,initypos,0.0])
randRad = drawRad + (random (drawRad*-radvary) (drawRad*radvary))
myCircle = circle pos:p radius:randRad wirecolor:startColor
append circles myCircle
circlescolor= #()
for i = 1 to numcircles do
circleColorVal = 0.0
append circlescolor circleColorVal
fn findClosestNodes circles obj =
closestNodes = #()
for i=1 to circles.count do ( -- loop through the circles to find any that are within the radius of the circle in question (obj)
if obj!=circles[i] do ( --check to make sure we aren't comparing against ourself
currDist = distance obj.pos circles[i].pos -- get the dist between comparison pairs
if (currDist < (obj.radius+circles[i].radius)) do ( -- if the circles overlap, add to the return array
append closestNodes circles[i]
return closestNodes
--Time for some collision testing and movement
for j=1 to iterations do (
noChange = true
for i = 1 to circles.count do (
closestCircles = findClosestNodes circles circles[i]
if closestCircles.count == 0 do (setColor startColor endColor circles[i] blendTime)
for k=1 to closestCircles.count do (
ra = circles[i].radius
rb = closestCircles[k].radius
rad = ra+rb
d = distance closestCircles[k].pos circles[i].pos
if (d < rad) do (
noChange = false
currentpos = circles[i].pos
v = (closestCircles[k].pos - circles[i].pos) * -0.05
circles[i].pos += v
newpos = circles[i].pos
if (newPos != currentpos) do (circles[i].wirecolor = red)
if noChange do (
circles.wirecolor = yellow
format "Number of iterations: %
" j
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Had to do a similar thing long long time ago, although I picked the other approach; there were circles the new circles had to avoid colliding with, which as a side-effect allows you to continue running a script on a partially filled area (with or without changing the parameters). It was just one-off thing, no clever solutions to fill all the gaps nor any GUI, everything is set in the first two groups of locals.
-- Private Globals
-- nodes
local boundary = $boundary_circle
local centerPoint = boundary.pos
local boundaryRadius = boundary.radius
local innerBounds = selection as array -- existing circles inside the bounding circle
-- node settings
local max_nodes = 250 + innerBounds.count -- limit of newly created circles
local max_size = 2750 -- maximum circle size
local min_size = 700 -- initial inserted circle size
local min_gap = 150
local min_growth = 10
local max_growth = 50
local min_pos = boundary.min
local max_pos = boundary.max
-- 2D grid variables
local gridData = #()
local gridAddress = #()
local gridUnit = 2 * (max_size + min_gap)
-- collections
local list = #()
list[max_nodes] = undefined
local nodesCount = 0
local liveNodes = #{}
-- Structs
-- existing circles, their size doesn't change
struct staticNode
alive = false,
fn updateNode = ()
-- inserted circles
struct circleNode
radius = min_size,
obj = circle pos:pos radius:radius wirecolor:yellow,
alive = true,
growth = random min_growth max_growth,
fn updateNode =
if alive do
alive = (radius = (obj.radius += growth)) < max_size AND
((distance centerPoint pos) + min_gap + radius) < boundaryRadius
liveNodes[index] = alive
-- Functions
fn build2DGrid =
local start = [int(min_pos/gridUnit).x, int(min_pos/gridUnit).y]
local end = [int(max_pos/gridUnit).x, int(max_pos/gridUnit).y]
for x = start.x to end.x do
for y = start.y to end.y do
append gridAddress (getHashValue [x,y])
append gridData #()
fn get2DGridAddress pos =
pos /= gridUnit
[int(pos.x), int(pos.y)]
fn getItemsNearPos pos tolerance:1 =
local items = #()
local posAddress = get2DGridAddress pos
for x = posAddress.x - tolerance to posAddress.x + tolerance do
for y = posAddress.y - tolerance to posAddress.y + tolerance do
join items gridData[findItem gridAddress (getHashValue [x,y])]
fn circlesCollide pos1 pos2 radius1 radius2 =
distance pos1 pos2 < radius1 + radius2 + min_gap
fn addNode pos =
if ((distance centerPoint pos) + min_gap + min_size) < boundaryRadius then
nodesCount += 1
list[nodesCount] = circleNode index:nodesCount pos:pos
else false
fn addPoints =
if addNode (random min_pos max_pos) do
local addedPoint = list[nodesCount]
local pointPos = addedPoint.pos
local gridPos = get2DGridAddress pointPos
local neighbors = getItemsNearPos gridPos -- first get the neighbors
-- only after that add the node so we don't test it against itself
append gridData[findItem gridAddress (gridPos as string)] addedPoint
for item in neighbors while addedPoint.alive
where circlesCollide pointPos item.pos min_size item.radius do
delete addedPoint.obj
list[nodesCount] = undefined
liveNodes[nodesCount] = false
nodesCount -= 1
fn killPoints =
for i = 1 to nodesCount do
for j = i+1 to nodesCount
where (list[i].alive OR list[j].alive) AND
circlesCollide list[i].pos list[j].pos list[i].radius (list[j].radius + min_gap) do
list[i].alive = false
list[j].alive = false
fn updateList =
for item in list
where item != undefined do
-- Main
for bound = 1 to innerBounds.count do
local obj = innerBounds[bound]
local pos = obj.pos
local radius = obj.radius
local addedNode = staticNode index:bound pos:pos radius:radius obj:obj
list[bound] = addedNode
local extra_size = if radius > max_size then radius - max_size else 0
local start = get2DGridAddress (pos - extra_size)
local end = get2DGridAddress (pos + extra_size)
for x = start.x to end.x do
for y = start.y to end.y
where (local gridIndex = findItem gridAddress ([x,y] as string)) > 0 do
append gridData[gridIndex] addedNode
nodesCount += 1
with undo off, redraw off
-- continue adding circles till we reach the limit
while nodesCount < max_nodes AND NOT keyboard.ESCpressed do
pushPrompt ("Remaining to add: " + (max_nodes - nodesCount) as string)
-- continue growing circles till all are dead
while liveNodes.numberSet > 0 AND NOT keyboard.ESCpressed do
pushPrompt ("Remaining to grow: " + (liveNodes.numberSet) as string)
Cool! nice to see another approach. Ill need to dive into it and see what you have going on.
Id like to see what could be done about getting collision going with bounding boxes with rotation.
https://vimeo.com/39588710 Clovis has a snazzy script here but he has yet to make it public. Id love to hear whats going on under the hood.
you have to understand that yours and Clovis’s algorithms are very slow. it might work for ~100 nodes, but not for ~1000. it’s much faster generate ‘non-intersected’ nodes, and find and delete ‘intersected’ after all. and more… the theory says that is faster to randomly generate nodes wherever than search for ‘non-intersected’ place for every new one.
For sure. Its more for fun than general use though I like the interactivity that clovis has and to be able to save keys.
Denis how might I go about adding velocity buffer and actually dampen the jiggle? what other ways could it be made less sloppy?
have you seen this my post? http://forums.cgsociety.org/showpost.php?p=7032076&postcount=23
Nifty! but im a bit thick, would you be willing to walk me through what all is going on?
I’m using 3D grid for fast searching of intersected bboxes (nodes). after I put all my bboxes in 3D grid I exactly know what cells every bbox occupies. and I know all neighbor cells of every cell. So I can search only in the occupied by bbox cells and their neighbors.
When I know which bboxes intersect I can do with them whatever I want (delete, move, etc.)
as you see in my snippet it takes only 150 ms to find all intersection in 10000 bboxes. using SDK the same algorithm does do the same for less than 30 ms.
Very fast and cool for a 2d and 3d case but im wondering if you need to specify the number of points as in the sphere question (i.e. a surface ) I have going or even points on a plane. Do you think there is a way to get just the number of points you want if you are using a uniform grid?