[Closed] checkbutton initial state?
ehh, me again
while i cant figure out how to make the node thing work, let me ask another thing:
i have an attribute holder in a spline, with a checkbutton to hide/show another object , in this case box001. heres the script:
ca=CustAttributes.getDef $.modifiers[1].Controls
attributes controls
rollout cbt "Check"
checkButton chbtHideMe "Hide Me"
on chbtHideMe changed theState do
case TheState of
LM.isHidden = true
LM.isHidden = false
--custAttributes.add $.modifiers[1] ca
it works, but if i check the button, deselect the object, and select again, button will be unchecked. how to make an initial state for it? for (lame) example, “if box001 ishidden=true, button=checked”
alright, worked for that case, but how about lets say when i wired smooth iterations toa parameter “osmooth” and the checkbutton switches it between 0 and 1? for example:
on smoothB changed theState do
case TheState of
osmooth = 0
osmooth = 1
how to do it in this case?
on yourrollout open do
smoothB.checked = (if osmooth==0 then true else false)
same logic
p.s. this is the same as writing
(if osmooth==0 then smoothB.checked = true else smoothB.checked = false)
it’s just shorter