[Closed] Changing the radial thickness of multiple splines
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help?
I want to save myself some time, I need to change the thickness of over 50 splines! I really want to avoid doing it one spline at a time! Is there a method that I can do this in maxscript?
I’ve searched around and tried multiple things but it keeps coming up with errors.
On every object I also have slice modifier over the top.
I was trying something on lines of this…
$thickness = 0.5
modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject thickness = 0.5
safe to say, it didn’t work!
This may work:
mapped fn SetShapeThickness node val =
if superclassof node.baseobject == shape do node.thickness = val
SetShapeThickness $ 0.5
(for node in selection where iskindof node.baseobject Shape collect node.baseobject).thickness = 2
Not o my workstation currently, but i think you can put an instanced “renderab!e spline” modifier onto the stack and adjust the spline thickness there…
Hey guys! Thanks for getting back to me! For some reason my email notification didn’t come through I will give your suggestions ago.
Thanks again!!
You can also use my splineManager tool:
- Neil