[Closed] changing dotnet Tooltip text
How can i change the tool tip text without creating hundreds of overlapping tooltips? In this example below, i would like the tooltip for each button to display how many times that button has individually been pressed.
try(destroyDialog ::rlButtonInfo)catch()
rollout rlButtonInfo "Buttons"
local ToolTipObj = undefined
dotnetcontrol uiOverridesA "System.Windows.Forms.Button" height:25 width:25 pos:[10,10]
dotnetcontrol uiOverridesB "System.Windows.Forms.Button" height:25 width:25 pos:[40,10]
dotnetcontrol uiOverridesC "System.Windows.Forms.Button" height:25 width:25 pos:[70,10]
fn initializeButtons controls:#() =
for c in controls do
c.flatStyle = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle").Flat
c.backcolor = (DotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 50 100 240
c.forecolor = (DotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 20 70 210
c.TextAlign = (DotNetClass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").MiddleCenter
c.text = ""
ToolTipObj = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip"
ToolTipObj.Active = True
ToolTipObj.ToolTipIcon = (dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.ToolTipIcon").info
ToolTipObj.isballoon = True
ToolTipObj.ShowAlways = true
ToolTipObj.ToolTipTitle = "Settings"
ToolTipObj.SetToolTip c "none"
fn UpdateToolTips =
local controls = #(uiOverridesA, uiOverridesB, uiOverridesC)
for c in controls do
local infoString = (random 10 1000) as string
--ToolTipObj.SetToolTip ctrl infoString
on uiOverridesA Click e do UpdateToolTips()
on uiOverridesB Click e do UpdateToolTips()
on uiOverridesC Click e do UpdateToolTips()
on rlButtonInfo open do
initializeButtons controls:#(uiOverridesA, uiOverridesB, uiOverridesC)
createdialog rlButtonInfo 220 75 style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu)
Try creating only one instance of the ToolTip object (instead of one instance for each control), and then use SetToolTip().
And also keep a reference to ToolTipObj as a rollout local so it doesn’t get GCed away.
Yes, that’s the idea of creating just one instance. Basically you need to move the follosing line outside the function and make it a rollout local:
ToolTipObj = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip"
You could also make the icon a local variable:
ToolTipObj.ToolTipIcon = (dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.ToolTipIcon").info
(dotnetclass “System.Windows.Forms.ToolTipIcon”).info is an enum, not an object being created.
Or maybe we’ve misunderstood each other.
I provably used the word “instance” in a wrong way. Perhaps “variable” should be it. I mean this:
local tooltip = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip"
st = timestamp(); sh = heapfree
for j = 1 to 1000 do tooltip.ToolTipIcon = (dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.ToolTipIcon").info
format "time:% ram:%
" (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree)
st = timestamp(); sh = heapfree
icon = (dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.ToolTipIcon").info
for j = 1 to 1000 do tooltip.ToolTipIcon = icon
format "time:% ram:%
" (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree)
thanks Rotem!
try(destroyDialog ::rlButtonInfo)catch()
rollout rlButtonInfo "Buttons"
local ToolTipObj = undefined
local countClicks = #(0,0,0)
dotnetcontrol uiOverridesA "System.Windows.Forms.Button" height:25 width:25 pos:[10,10]
dotnetcontrol uiOverridesB "System.Windows.Forms.Button" height:25 width:25 pos:[40,10]
dotnetcontrol uiOverridesC "System.Windows.Forms.Button" height:25 width:25 pos:[70,10]
fn initializeButtons controls:#() =
ToolTipObj = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip"
ToolTipObj.Active = True
ToolTipObj.ToolTipIcon = (dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.ToolTipIcon").info
ToolTipObj.isballoon = True
ToolTipObj.ShowAlways = true
ToolTipObj.ToolTipTitle = "Settings"
-- ToolTipObj.SetToolTip c "none"
for ctrl in controls do
ctrl.flatStyle = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle").Flat
ctrl.backcolor = (DotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 50 100 240
ctrl.forecolor = (DotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 20 70 210
ctrl.TextAlign = (DotNetClass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").MiddleCenter
ctrl.text = ""
ctrl.Tag = 0
TooltipObj.SetTooltip ctrl (ctrl.Tag as string)
fn UpdateToolTips ctrl =
ctrl.Tag +=1
TooltipObj.SetTooltip ctrl (ctrl.Tag as string)
on uiOverridesA Click e do UpdateToolTips uiOverridesA
on uiOverridesB Click e do UpdateToolTips uiOverridesB
on uiOverridesC Click e do UpdateToolTips uiOverridesC
on rlButtonInfo open do
initializeButtons controls:#(uiOverridesA, uiOverridesB, uiOverridesC)
createdialog rlButtonInfo 220 75 style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu)
on rollout i have dotnet textbox and a tooltip which i plan to show manually after user input
What second arg should i pass to .Show() method to make it work?
.Show <System.String>text <System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window>window
looks like it was that simple
myrollout.tooltip.show “we are opened” myrollout.textbox