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[Closed] change edittext on selection change
May 26, 2006 3:26 pm
Hi all,
Is there any way to detect a selection change. I’ve build a tool that gets the and puts it in a edittext box. But how can i make it active so that is changes every time i select a different object?
Is there something similar to filepostopen?
1 Reply
1 Reply
Yes, there is a callback called #selectionSetChanged
global test_rollout
try(destroyDialog test_rollout)catch()
rollout test_rollout "Selection Monitor"
edittext edt_selection "Selection"
fn updateSelection =
txt = ""
for o in selection do txt += + " | "
edt_selection.text = txt
on test_rollout open do
callbacks.addScript #selectionSetChanged "test_rollout.updateSelection()" id:#testSelectionSetMonitor
on test_rollout close do
callbacks.removeScripts id:#testSelectionSetMonitor
)--end rollout
createDialog test_rollout 400 40
You could replace the content of the updateSelection function with
fn updateSelection =
if selection.count == 1 then
edt_selection.text = $.name
edt_selection.text = selection.count as string + " Objects Selected."
to get one name or a number when multiple or none are selected…