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[Closed] change animationrange depending on the animated object to export

Hi guys!

I can´t find the way to do that, maybe its not possible.

I´m wondering how I could automatically set the animationrange depending on the first and last keyframe of my selected object, but I can´t figure out how to do it, I don´t find the way to get that first and last keyframe information of the selected object. Any clue?

Thanks a lot!

3 Replies

select your object and then try this :

 myObj = $
  startF = #()
  endF = #()
  findPositionKeys = myObj.position.controller.keys
  append startF findPositionKeys[1].time
  append endF findPositionKeys[findPositionKeys.count].time
  findStartFrame = (amin startF)
  findEndFrame = (amax endF)
  animationRange = interval findStartFrame findEndFrame


Thank you so much Siahpoosh! I owe you one mate!

It’s going to be fun now… This works for position only, so now I should do it work with rotation and scale keys, check which one it the lowest value, which one the highest so that’s going to be the animationRange and do it work for single objects and for groups too.

I hope not too but maybe I’ll need your help again…hehe

Really, thank you so much for your help, with this firts step I think I would be able to achieve what I want

with the help of a friend i have achieved this, which works with single and group objects

					counter = 1
					posStartF = #()
					posEndF = #()
					rotStartF = #()
					rotEndF = #()
					sclStartF = #()
					sclEndF = #()
					for obj in $ do
							findPositionKeys = obj.position.controller.keys
							append posStartF findPositionKeys[1].time
							append posEndF findPositionKeys[findPositionKeys.count].time
							append posStartF 99999
							append posEndF 0
							findRotationKeys = obj.rotation.controller.keys
							append rotStartF findRotationKeys[1].time
							append rotEndF findRotationKeys[findRotationKeys.count].time
							append rotStartF 99999
							append rotEndF 0
							findScaleKeys = obj.scale.controller.keys
							append sclStartF findScaleKeys[1].time
							append sclEndF findScaleKeys[findScaleKeys.count].time
							append sclStartF 99999
							append sclEndF 0
					counter = counter + 1
						print counter
					findPosStartFrame = (amin posStartF)
					findPosEndFrame = (amax posEndF)
					findRotStartFrame = (amin rotStartF)
					findRotEndFrame = (amax rotEndF)
					findSclStartFrame = (amin sclStartF)
					findSclEndFrame = (amax sclEndF)
					valueMin = #(findPosStartFrame,findRotStartFrame,findSclStartFrame)
					totalMin = (amin valueMin)
					valueMax = #(findPosEndFrame,findRotEndFrame,findSclEndFrame)
					totalMax = (amax valueMax)
					if totalMax == 0 then
						animationRange = interval 0 1 
						animationRange = interval totalMin totalMax