[Closed] change "lighting mode" attribute of FlightStudio hierarchy with maxscript
Dear all,
I am trying to change one property of my geometry before exporting to Flight Studio using maxscript. Exporting is not a problem, I can access the functions and create the object and xref nodes, but I want to be able to change the attribute “Lighting Mode” of the geometry to “Face Color Smooth” programmatically.
Whenever a file is exported to .flt format, an .attr file is created. But it is in machine language, so you cannot change anything there.
Any ideas?
Got this workaround:
create the flt object/xref node, and immediately after, look for any dummies in the scene which begins with x* (in the case of xref flt nodes) or o* (in the case of object nodes). After you have found it, you can access its properties just as with any max object.
-- create the Flight dummy
--look for it in all the objects in the scene
local allobjs = $*
for o in allobjs do
if (classOf o == Dummy) then
if (matchPattern o.name pattern:"x*" ignoreCase:false) then (
--put the xref path
fltStudio.PutExternalRefFilename o (fileextToFLT fPath)
o.name = fName
-- align it to the parent object PIVOT (not center)
o.rotation = rot o.position = pos o.boxsize = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
-- put in object's layer
If (objLayer == undefined) then objLayer = "0"
local target = LayerManager.getLayerFromName
objLayer target.addNode o
append createdDummies o
Hi glBeatriz. Can you share with me how is the External Reference Node in 3Dmax Flight Studio tool been use? I can find any information on how this Xref node is used.