[Closed] chanecolors of text in listbox
if you want to set the same color for all items use ForeColor property, if different you have to paint them yourself in DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable using DrawItem event.
First solution that you mentioned is the best and is used by almost all .net objects (controls).
When i used draw mode in most situation i hed flickering problem. Also checkedListBox ctrl is
problematic. Workaround is ListView, powerful ctrl with more options.
My last script had similar concept like ActiveType script at the beginning, but i decide to start from scratch with ListView and I’m pleased with the result .
Denis i know that you not like colored UI but…
flickering is a problem for most .net window forms.
about using ListView in place of ListBox… ListBox is much faster!
Yes you right, because there are more options than ListBox.
The situation is similar when comparing ListView and DataGridView or TreeList.
More powerful ctrls are always slower
Thanks Branco. Had a look at yr script…nice usable struct there…but not quite what I need – I need to be able to change color of text within the listview on a per item basis(actually I just want yellow red blue for easy linking to ctrl object direction). in this case do I need to use drawitem?
i made this code some years ago to test custom text and selection colours in a dotnet listbox. Should be helpful.
global dnListBoxTestRollout
try(destroyDialog dnListBoxTestRollout)catch()
local dnColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").Black
local brushes = dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Brushes"
local brushColors = for p in (getPropNames brushes) collect p as string
local ListItems = for c in brushColors collect dotNetObject "System.String" c
local colorArr = for i in ListItems collect #(dnColor.red, dnColor.green, dnColor.blue)[random 1 3] --(dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB (random 0 255) (random 0 255) (random 0 255)
rollout dnListBoxTestRollout "dnListBoxTestRollout"
local selColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 238 204 85 -- custom selection color (orangey-yellow)
local lbBackColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 225 225 225 -- light grey
local selBrush = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.SolidBrush" selColor -- create a brush for the selection color
local bgBrush = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.SolidBrush" lbBackColor -- create a brush for the backcolor
dotNetControl dnListBox "System.Windows.Forms.Listbox" height:400 -- the ListBox
radioButtons rdo_exampleMode "Examples:" labels:#("Custom Selection Color", "Named Brushes Colors","Colored Base Off Array") offset:[0,-30] columns:3
on rdo_exampleMode changed state do dnListBox.Refresh() -- toggle the drawing state
on dnListBox DrawItem arg do --if arg.index == 0 do
case rdo_exampleMode.state of
1: -- use a custom selection color and alternating text color
-- we need to draw a background rectangle first
stringState = arg.state.ToString() -- convert the item state to a string
-- test the pattern of the string to see if it contains 'selected' since it can contain multiple states eg 'Selected, Focus'
if matchPattern stringState pattern:"*selected*" then arg.Graphics.FillRectangle selBrush arg.bounds -- draw the selection color
else arg.DrawBackground() -- else draw the background color
-- alternatively draw the background color yourself:
-- arg.Graphics.FillRectangle bgBrush arg.bounds
-- define a brush to paint the text color
brush = if mod arg.index 2 == 0 then brushes.Red else brushes.Black -- alternate between red and black
arg.Graphics.DrawString dnListBox.Items.Item[arg.index] arg.font brush arg.bounds.location.x arg.bounds.location.y -- draw the text string
2: -- this mode is not made for selecting - just a demo of the built in colors
-- we need to draw a background rectangle first
fillBrush = getProperty brushes brushColors[arg.index+1] -- choose the current brush color by name from the brushes class
arg.Graphics.FillRectangle fillBrush arg.bounds -- draw the background
-- define a brush to paint the text color
brush = if fillBrush.color.getBrightness() >= 0.5 then brushes.black else brushes.white -- choose black or white based on brightness
arg.Graphics.DrawString dnListBox.Items.Item[arg.index] arg.font brush arg.bounds.location.x arg.bounds.location.y -- draw the text string
3: -- assign colors based off a predefined array. To change a color just change the array color and call invalidate() on that item's rectangle
-- we need to draw a background rectangle first
stringState = arg.state.ToString() -- convert the item state to a string
-- test the pattern of the string to see if it contains 'selected' since it can contain multiple states eg 'Selected, Focus'
if matchPattern stringState pattern:"*selected*" then arg.Graphics.FillRectangle selBrush arg.bounds -- draw the selection color
else arg.DrawBackground() -- else draw the background color
-- define a brush to paint the text color
brush = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.SolidBrush" colorArr[arg.index+1]
arg.Graphics.DrawString dnListBox.Items.Item[arg.index] arg.font brush arg.bounds.location.x arg.bounds.location.y -- draw the text string
arg.DrawFocusRectangle() -- draw the focus rectangle last
on dnListBoxTestRollout open do
-- dnListBox.drawMode = dnListBox.drawMode.OwnerDrawVariable
dnListBox.drawMode = dnListBox.drawMode.OwnerDrawFixed -- fixed seems to be faster than variable, otherwise I can't tell the difference
dnListBox.backcolor = lbBackColor
dnListBox.SelectionMode = dnListBox.SelectionMode.MultiExtended
dnListBox.Items.AddRange ListItems
createDialog dnListBoxTestRollout width:410 height:420 --pos:[440,85]