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[Closed] chanecolors of text in listbox

how do you change text colors in dotnet list box?

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if you want to set the same color for all items use ForeColor property, if different you have to paint them yourself in DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable using DrawItem event.

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First solution that you mentioned is the best and is used by almost all .net objects (controls).
When i used draw mode in most situation i hed flickering problem. Also checkedListBox ctrl is
problematic. Workaround is ListView, powerful ctrl with more options.
My last script had similar concept like ActiveType script at the beginning, but i decide to start from scratch with ListView and I’m pleased with the result .
Denis i know that you not like colored UI but…

flickering is a problem for most .net window forms.
about using ListView in place of ListBox… ListBox is much faster!

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Yes you right, because there are more options than ListBox.
The situation is similar when comparing ListView and DataGridView or TreeList.
More powerful ctrls are always slower

Thanks Branco. Had a look at yr script…nice usable struct there…but not quite what I need – I need to be able to change color of text within the listview on a per item basis(actually I just want yellow red blue for easy linking to ctrl object direction). in this case do I need to use drawitem?

i made this code some years ago to test custom text and selection colours in a dotnet listbox. Should be helpful.

 	global dnListBoxTestRollout
 	try(destroyDialog dnListBoxTestRollout)catch()
 	local dnColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").Black
 	local brushes = dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Brushes"
 	local brushColors = for p in (getPropNames brushes) collect p as string
 	local ListItems = for c in brushColors collect dotNetObject "System.String" c
 	local colorArr = for i in ListItems collect #(,,[random 1 3] --(dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB (random 0 255) (random 0 255) (random 0 255)
 	rollout dnListBoxTestRollout "dnListBoxTestRollout"
 		local selColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 238 204 85 -- custom selection color (orangey-yellow)
 		local lbBackColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 225 225 225 -- light grey
 		local selBrush = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.SolidBrush" selColor -- create a brush for the selection color
 		local bgBrush = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.SolidBrush" lbBackColor -- create a brush for the backcolor
 		dotNetControl dnListBox "System.Windows.Forms.Listbox" height:400 -- the ListBox
 		radioButtons rdo_exampleMode "Examples:" labels:#("Custom Selection Color", "Named Brushes Colors","Colored Base Off Array") offset:[0,-30] columns:3
 		on rdo_exampleMode changed state do dnListBox.Refresh() -- toggle the drawing state
 		on dnListBox DrawItem arg do --if arg.index == 0 do
 			case rdo_exampleMode.state of
 				1: -- use a custom selection color and alternating text color
 					-- we need to draw a background rectangle first
 					stringState = arg.state.ToString() -- convert the item state to a string
 					-- test the pattern of the string to see if it contains 'selected' since it can contain multiple states eg 'Selected, Focus'
 					if matchPattern stringState pattern:"*selected*" then arg.Graphics.FillRectangle selBrush arg.bounds -- draw the selection color
 					else arg.DrawBackground() -- else draw the background color
 					-- alternatively draw the background color yourself:
 					-- arg.Graphics.FillRectangle bgBrush arg.bounds
 					-- define a brush to paint the text color
 					brush = if mod arg.index 2 == 0 then brushes.Red else brushes.Black -- alternate between red and black
 					arg.Graphics.DrawString dnListBox.Items.Item[arg.index] arg.font brush arg.bounds.location.x arg.bounds.location.y -- draw the text string
 				2: -- this mode is not made for selecting - just a demo of the built in colors
 					-- we need to draw a background rectangle first
 					fillBrush = getProperty brushes brushColors[arg.index+1] -- choose the current brush color by name from the brushes class
 					arg.Graphics.FillRectangle fillBrush arg.bounds -- draw the background
 					-- define a brush to paint the text color
 					brush = if fillBrush.color.getBrightness() >= 0.5 then else brushes.white -- choose black or white based on brightness
 					arg.Graphics.DrawString dnListBox.Items.Item[arg.index] arg.font brush arg.bounds.location.x arg.bounds.location.y -- draw the text string
 				3: -- assign colors based off a predefined array. To change a color just change the array color and call invalidate() on that item's rectangle
 					-- we need to draw a background rectangle first
 					stringState = arg.state.ToString() -- convert the item state to a string
 					-- test the pattern of the string to see if it contains 'selected' since it can contain multiple states eg 'Selected, Focus'
 					if matchPattern stringState pattern:"*selected*" then arg.Graphics.FillRectangle selBrush arg.bounds -- draw the selection color
 					else arg.DrawBackground() -- else draw the background color
 					-- define a brush to paint the text color
 					brush = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.SolidBrush" colorArr[arg.index+1]
 					arg.Graphics.DrawString dnListBox.Items.Item[arg.index] arg.font brush arg.bounds.location.x arg.bounds.location.y -- draw the text string
 			arg.DrawFocusRectangle() -- draw the focus rectangle last
 		on dnListBoxTestRollout open do
 -- 			dnListBox.drawMode = dnListBox.drawMode.OwnerDrawVariable
 			dnListBox.drawMode = dnListBox.drawMode.OwnerDrawFixed -- fixed seems to be faster than variable, otherwise I can't tell the difference
 			dnListBox.backcolor = lbBackColor
 			dnListBox.SelectionMode = dnListBox.SelectionMode.MultiExtended
 			dnListBox.Items.AddRange ListItems
 	createDialog dnListBoxTestRollout width:410 height:420 --pos:[440,85]
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Excellent examle