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[Closed] Challenge: Graph Spline Gizmo/Helper/Scripted Plugin

Hello everyone,

I’m throwing this out here as I really don’t have time to work on this at the moment but I think it’d be a really cool project for someone to make for MCG, and other areas of Maxscript/max.

The graph maxscript control is well… in need of a bit of love… MCG really needs a graph input but at the moment the only way to do it is by using a reference spline as showed in this video…

I then came up with a neater concept, which looks like the attached jpg. I’ve attached the max file for it. By having a spline object as your graph you would be able to use the graph in many places throughout a scene, you can easily animate the points, it’s just like editing normal splines.

Anyone up for the challenge?
Ideally scale would be customizable
It would be some kind of scripted plugin or helper so you couldn’t edit the grid
It woudln’t allow any of the points to go out of the boundaries of the graph.

For it to work with MCG the 1st curve of the spline has to be the graph curve as MCG will only (currently) get the 1st curve object in a spline.

5 Replies

does it expect any spline with interface of adding and deleting knots, editing type and tangents? or it’s just a bezier spline segment?

The spline can have any number of knots and be any type of smooth/bezier etc…

The MCG script uses LERP to get points along a curve.

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the only problem is to design and implement curve editing interface. all other is pretty easy to do with scripted manipulator

there is animation curves system and trackview editor to control and edit a parameter value.

also there is UI curvecontrol. using sdk it’s possible to wire it with a float controller.