here is brute force but “IDEAL” distribution:
fn distributeBeads threads num_beads:10000 =
all = num_beads
num_threads = threads.count
thread_data = #()
all_len = 0
for i=1 to num_threads do
len = getshapelength threads[i]
all_len += len
append thread_data [i, 0, len, len]
qsort thread_data sort3
for i = 1 to amin num_beads num_threads do
local v = thread_data[i]
v[2] = 1
v[3] = v[4] / (v[2] + 2)
for i = 1 to (num_beads - num_threads) do
qsort thread_data sort3
local v = thread_data[1]
v[2] += 1
v[3] = v[4] / (v[2] +[B]2[/B])
all_beads = 0
for i = 1 to num_threads do
all_beads += (thread_data[i][2] = int thread_data[i][2])
format "% beads: %
" all all_beads
fn sort4 a1 a2 = if a1[4] < a2[4] then 1 else if a1[4] > a2[4] then -1 else 0
fn sort3 a1 a2 = if a1[3] < a2[3] then 1 else if a1[3] > a2[3] then -1 else (sort4 a1 a2)
I was sure that the “ideal” distribution you where looking for was the one produced by the brute force algorithm of post #38
Haven’t tried this new one, but will see what the differences are.
I am trying it and the distribution isn’t good at all in my opinion.
For example, it does not always split the thread with longest segments. Also, one curious case I just found:
Min Radius = 5
Threads = 10
Spacing = 10
Try beads 289,290,291. It just adds 3 consecutive beads to the shortest thread.
it was a bug in my ‘ideal’ code … it should be v[4] / (v[2] + 2) as i told above
Yes, it fixed that issue. However, it still does not always split the thread with longest segments.
Why do you think this is better than the one from post #38?
I can’t figure out what the logic of it is.
#38 is very close to ‘ideal’. there are two things which doesn’t work well.
#1 it uses finditem which is slower than “bsearch” in common case. i use in my c++ algorithm c++ implementation of:
fn sort4 a1 a2 = if a1[4] < a2[4] then 1 else if a1[4] > a2[4] then -1 else 0
fn sort3 a1 a2 = if a1[3] < a2[3] then 1 else if a1[3] > a2[3] then -1 else (sort4 a1 a2)
fn qsort3 tab index:1 end: =
local p = tab[index]
deleteitem tab index
local i = 1
local j = if end == unsupplied then tab.count else amax end 1
local pivot = 1
local k =
if (sort3 p tab[i] < 1) then i
else if (sort3 p tab[j] > -1) then j
while (j - i > 1) do
pivot = (i + j)/2
--format "% % % == % %
" i j pivot p tab[pivot]
if (sort3 p tab[pivot] < 0) then j = pivot
else if (sort3 p tab[pivot] > 0) then i = pivot
else i = j
if (sort3 p tab[pivot] < 1) then pivot else (pivot + 1)
insertitem p tab k
it’s bsearch method which is much faster.
#2 in case if current segments are equal for multiple thread a random thread will be taken instead of the longest. here is a difference:
1-4, 6-14, 9-20, (num beads of N-length thread)
– length of segments all the same:
– add to first
– add to second
– add to third
do you see the difference?
i will try the idea with an ‘average’ segment again…
i remember you’ve tried to go from this side.
Man, for that amount of data I would do the math myself with a paper and a pencil
You can trust the last algorithm I proposed if you feel confortable with the results. I have not been able to make it fail yet, and tried thousang of random combinations of threads, lengths and beads.
#1. I was talking about the results it produces. The performance is not good, but in C++ or C# there are many ways to make it fast.
#2. Yes, I found it a few days ago by accident.
Also there may be issues with float precision when numbers are too close, even using double. But I think it could be sorted at some point to catch the longest thread. I am mo concerned about the result, as it produces perfect distribution, always looks for the longest segment and split it. But in your last code you defined “idela” in a different way, so I got confused.
So, fixing this minor issue of splitting the shortest thread, does the #38 algorithm produce the results you want? If so, the fastest and closer I got is the last one I proposed. It is not 100% perfect, but very close and considering it’s performance I think it is a good solution.
I am not sure if a 100% perfect solution can be sone in O(n) for the number of threads. I would think it can, but I always find some issue with different solutions.
usually all problems are noticeable in range (num threads * n == num beads).
i have another example where about 30000 “beads” on 5000 “threads”. if growing process is wrong it looks pretty bad.
originally i’ve used sorting. and i was slow for this amount. after i changed to “bsearch” it takes almost nothing.
The lengths of the threads too.
I have a random shape generator to simplify the debug, because things change substantially with randoms lengths.
I have my own ‘stand’ for testing and debugging too…
the task becomes a millennium problem
new version! :argh:
fn distributeBeads threads num_beads:10000 =
fn sort3 a1 a2 = if a1[3] < a2[3] then 1 else if a1[3] > a2[3] then -1 else 0
num_threads = threads.count
thread_data = #()
all_len = 0
for i=1 to num_threads do
len = getshapelength threads[i]
all_len += len
append thread_data [i, 0, len, 0]
num_segs = num_threads + num_beads
qsort thread_data sort3
for i = 1 to amin num_beads num_threads do thread_data[i][2] = 1
beads = num_beads
for i = num_threads to 1 by -1 do
local v = thread_data[i]
num = amax (v[2]+1) (int (v[3]/all_len * num_segs + 0.5))
all_len -= v[3]
num_segs -= num
v[2] = num - 1
beads -= v[2]
if beads != 0 do thread_data[num_threads][1] += beads
all_beads = 0
for i = 1 to num_threads do
all_beads += thread_data[i][2]
thread_data[i][4] = thread_data[i][3] / (thread_data[i][2] + 1)
qsort thread_data sort1
format "% == all beads: % >> %
" num_beads (int all_beads) thread_data
Not good. It needs 2 qsort and the distribution is not good. I think #94 is still the closest to the brute force.
BTW, I’ve looked at the #38 algorithm to see what causes wrong distribution when the lengths of the segments are the same.
In this case it should add a bead to the longest thread, and the threads are already sorted. So what causes the problem is indeed the float precision. What we see as equal length are not really equal, even when the math says they are, the float precision messes it up, even with double precision.
The only solution I see is to use a delta value to produce perfect results, and things would get a lot slower.
Also, what makes it slow is not that much finditem() but amax().
Improving finding the maximum value should make it substantially faster.