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[Closed] Challenge! and Fun 🙂

fn distributeBeads num_beads:10000 num_threads:100 = 
	fn p_sort p1 p2 index:1 = if p1[index] < p2[index] then 1 else if p1[index] > p2[index] then -1 else 0 
	fn q_sort tab index:1 = 
		local p = tab[1]
		local val = p[index]
		deleteitem tab 1

		local i = 1
		local j = tab.count
		local k = 
			if (val >= tab[i][index]) then i
			else if (val <= tab[j][index]) then j
				local pivot
				while (j - i > 1) do
					pivot = (i + j)/2 
					if (val > tab[pivot][index]) then j = pivot
					else if (val < tab[pivot][index]) then i = pivot
					else i = j
				if (val >= tab[pivot][index]) then pivot else (pivot + 1)
		insertitem p tab k
	seed 0

	t = timestamp()
	h = heapfree

	local thread_data = #()
	for i=1 to num_threads do 
		len = random 10.0 200.0
		append thread_data [i, len, 0, len]

	qsort thread_data p_sort index:4
	local all_len = 0
	local bcount = amin num_threads num_beads
	for k=1 to bcount do
		local v = thread_data[k]
		v[3] = 1
		v[4] -= v[2]/2
		all_len += v[4] 
		thread_data[k] = v

	num_beads -= bcount
	if num_beads > 0 do 
		qsort thread_data p_sort index:4

		local bcount = 0
		for i=1 to num_threads do
			local v = thread_data[i]
			num = (v[4]/all_len * num_beads) as integer
			if (num > 0) do
				v[3] += num
				[b]v[4] = v[2] + v[2]*0.001 - v[2]*v[3]/(v[3]+1)[/b]
				bcount += num 
			thread_data[i] = v
		k = extra = bcount - num_beads		
		if k < 0 do
			qsort thread_data p_sort index:4
				k += 1

				local v = thread_data[1]
				v[3] += 1
				[B]v[4] = v[2] + v[2]*0.001 - v[2]*v[3]/(v[3]+1)[/B]
				thread_data[1] = v
				--qsort thread_data p_sort index:4
				q_sort thread_data index:4
			while (k < 0) 
	t = timestamp() - t
	h = h - heapfree
	all_beads = 0
	for i=1 to num_threads do all_beads += thread_data[i][3] as integer

	format "% >>>>>>>> beads:% -> threads:% % = time:% heap:%
" extra all_beads num_threads thread_data.count t h

now it works. i’ve added a little priority to originally longer thread in case when current segments are exactly the same… see BOLD lines in the code

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Still almost the same errors. See bellow for 1 to 200 beads, 10 threads.
beads:43 current:4 previous:5
beads:75 current:5 previous:6
beads:76 current:11 previous:12
beads:108 current:11 previous:12
beads:140 current:10 previous:11
beads:141 current:21 previous:22
beads:173 current:29 previous:30

it seems like combination of yours and mine works perfect:
(pure mxs)

fn distributeBeads num_beads:10000 num_threads:100 = 
	fn p_sort p1 p2 index:1 = if p1[index] < p2[index] then 1 else if p1[index] > p2[index] then -1 else 0 
	seed 0

	t = timestamp()
	h = heapfree

	local thread_data = #()
	for i=1 to num_threads do 
		len = random 10.0 200.0
		append thread_data [i, len, 0]
	t = timestamp()
	h = heapfree
	stab = #()
	stab.count = num_threads
	qsort thread_data p_sort index:2 

	bcount = (amin num_threads num_beads)
	for i = 1 to bcount do
		local v = thread_data[i] 
		v[3] = 1
		stab[i] = v[2]
		thread_data[i] = v
	num_beads -= bcount
	all_len = 0
	for i=1 to num_threads do all_len += thread_data[i][2]
	if num_beads > 0 do
		bcount = 0
		for i=1 to num_threads do --while beads > 0 do 
			local v = thread_data[i]
			num = (stab[i]/all_len * num_beads) as integer 
			if (num > 0) do
				v[3] += num
				stab[i] = v[2]/v[3]
				bcount += num 
			thread_data[i] = v
		extra = (num_beads -= bcount)
		for i = 1 to num_beads do
			x = finditem stab (amax stab)
			local v = thread_data[x]
			v[3] += 1
			stab[x] = v[2]/v[3]
			thread_data[x] = v
	t = timestamp() - t
	h = h - heapfree
	all_beads = 0
	for i=1 to num_threads do all_beads += thread_data[i][3] as integer

	format "% >>>>>>>> beads:% -> threads:% % = time:% heap:%
" extra all_beads num_threads thread_data.count t h

505 >>>>>>>> beads:1000000 -> threads:1000 1000 = time:16 heap:242888L
501 >>>>>>>> beads:100000 -> threads:1000 1000 = time:16 heap:247312L

This is the result I get:
505 >>>>>>>> beads:1000000 -> threads:1000 1000 = time:21 heap:252352L

Here is another algorithm, also pure MXS. It tends to favor by a little the shortest shape, but I am pleased with the results. It is 2X faster

	fn DistributePointsInShapes splines points:0 =
		fn SortByLength t1 t2 = t1[3] - t2[3]
		dist = 0.0
		num_splines = splines.count
		result = for j in splines collect
			dist += curvelength j
			#(j, 0, curvelength j)
		qsort result SortByLength
		if points <= num_splines then
			for j = num_splines to (num_splines-points+1) by -1 do result[j][2] = 1
			points -= num_splines
			for j in result do
				amount = int (j[3]/(dist/points))
				j[2] = amount + 1
				dist -= j[3]
				points -= amount
		return result

beads:1000000 threads:1000 time:11 heap:338136L

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I’ve tested with other configurations, for example for 10K threads 1M beads this algorithm is 5.5 times faster, it takes just 125ms.

WOW! you found it!

here is a slightly modified code to keep ‘right’ pattern:

	fn distributeBeads threads num_beads:10000 = 
		fn SortByLength t1 t2 = t2[2] - t1[2]
		num_threads = threads.count
		all_len = 0
		all_beads = [num_beads, 0]
		thread_data = #()
                for i=1 to threads.count do
			len = getsplineshapelength threads[i]
			all_len += len 
			append thread_data [i, len, 0]
		qsort thread_data SortByLength
		if num_beads <= num_threads then
			for i = 1 to num_beads do thread_data[i][3] = 1
			all_beads.y = num_beads
			for v in thread_data while num_beads > 0 do
				num = int (v[2]/all_len * (num_beads + 1))
				num = amin num num_beads
				if num > 0 do
					v[3] = num
					all_len -= v[2]
					num_beads -= num
					all_beads.y += num
		format ">> beads:%
" all_beads

the last version gives me:
1000000 >>>> beads:1000000 -> threads:10000 = time:80 heap:7861456L

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You have a fast PC

I get:
beads:1000000 threads:10000 time:129 heap:8996120L

Why do you think it does not produce a correct pattern? I think it is good.
BTW, neither versions produces the exact same pattern as the algorithm in post #38 , so I am not sure what is correct for you.

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check you algorithm on 10 threads… using my snippet for example.

you can see that on 12 it splits 10th spline on three instead of splitting 9th on 2.
this is not correct in my mind because at the moment of 12th beat segments of 10th spline are shorter then 9th.

the same behavior is during whole algorithm

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I see what you mean. I missed it.

I’ve been testing your modified version and it is also a not reliable solution. There are many configurations where it assigns beads to the wrong thread, and many others where a bead from the shortest thread is missing.

For example:
Threads:10 – Min Radius:10 – Spacing:4
Threads:10 – Min Radius:1 – Spacing:10

Threre are many more.
If you need a reliable working solution, I would stick, for now, to post #38
It is a brute force algorithm so I don’t think it will fail, and if you will do it in C++, the times won’t bee too bad.

anyway what we did is absolutely amassing… honestly i would stop with version 2-3 which being written on c++ could give me a good enough result.

but … i would probably shame myself knowing that it was bodged.

This is why i’m skeptical about the MCG. Any optimization is delegated to … to some one.

New version!

fn DistributePointsInShapes splines points:0 =
	fn SortByLength a b = b[3]-a[3]
	fn SortBySegment a b = if a[4]>b[4] then -1 else if a[4]<b[4] then 1 else if a[3]>b[3] then -1 else if a[3]<b[3] then 1 else 0

	d = 0.0
	r = for j in splines collect
		l = curvelength j
		d += l
		#(j, 0, l, l)
	if points < r.count do qsort r SortByLength

	missed = points
	for j = 1 to amin r.count points do
		r[j][2] = amax 1 (int (r[j][3]/d * points))
		r[j][4] = r[j][3] / (r[j][2]+1)
		missed -= r[j][2]
	qsort r SortBySegment
	for j = 1 to missed do r[j][2] += 1
	return r

EDIT: 30% improvement.
beads:1000000 threads:1000 time:19 heap:365648L
beads:1000000 threads:10000 time:189 heap:2974936L

I’ve done more tests and it looks consistent. Also add a little improvement as the array does not need to be sorted twice if the number of beads is larger than the number of threads.

It produces the exact same results as the brute force algorithm from pot #38 in most cases, probably over 95-98% of the times.

In those cases where the distribution is a little different, I think 95-98% of the threads gets the same amount of beads.

The “error” is due to threads with same subdivision length, but in order to not resort the array, they are assigned not always to the longest thread. I don’t see any problem with this, as the beads are still distributed in a “fair” way.

Have you been able to test it? Does it work for you?

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it still has a problems… try my template 10 threads with spacing 20, delete all splines except 1, 3, and 10.
you will see the problems

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Yea, don’t even need to try it, I know what the problem is.
Dam algorithm. It looks so simple and it is by far the hardest one I met so far.

Anyone out there that would like to contribute?

It has been impossible for me to follow you. But I think one of the problems may be assigning first one bead to each thread. This disturbs the algorithm based on threads length.

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