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[Closed] CgTalk Maxscript Challenge 008: "BACK TO BASICS: Bitmap to Planes"

CgTalk Maxscript Challenge 008: “BACK TO BASICS: Bitmap to Planes”

DESCRIPTION: Recreate a bitmap in the viewport using planes. Each plane should represent a pixel. WARNING: Start small! Remember that even a 256×256 bitmap is 65536 pixels! That’s a lot of planes to calculate!

            INTERMEDIATE SCRIPTERS: Think of another way to represent the pixels in the viewport using geometry.

       ADVANCED SCRIPTERS: Automatically render the result.

[li]Code from scratch. Try not to use pre-exisitng functions or plugins.[/li][li]Show your script references, if any (eg. Looking at another script to assist you).[/li][li]You are encouraged to ask for help where needed, but try to do it on your own. The maxscript reference is an invaluable resource.[/li][li]Post your final script inside [/li]“`
tags (located on your posting toolbar).
[li]Post all code into THIS thread.[/li][li]Post the max version you coded in, plus any maxscript extensions you used. (Thanks galagast!)[/li][li]Try to finish the challenge in a week. There is no definite time limit. [/li][/ul] NOTES: After much deliberation, I’ve pulled the challenges down a notch. I’ll start making more simplified assignments that can be easily completed in a week. As usual, keep giving feedback to the level of complexity and types of challenges you want.

10 Replies

[color=white]Hey … I am the first one …[/color]
ok … here goes …

rollout[/color] BitmapToPlanesRollout "BitmapToPlanes" width:162 height:106
button btn1 "Select Bitmap" pos:[16,14] width:129 height:28
button btn2 "Create Planes" pos:[16,49] width:129 height:28
progressBar pb1 "" pos:[16,87] width:129 height:8
global UserBitMap
global Rowcolors = #()
global mapWidth
global mapheight
fn CGTalkPlanefn x y c = 
B2P = plane width:1 length:1 lengthSegs:1 widthSegs:1 = uniqueName "CGTPlane_" 
B2P.pos = [x,y,0] 
B2P.wirecolor = c 
fn createPlanesfn = 
cnt = 0 
for i = 1 to mapheight do 
	 for j = 1 to mapWidth do 
			CGTalkPlanefn j (i * -1) Rowcolors[i][j] 
			cnt += 1 
			BitmapToPlanesRollout.pb1.value = cnt*100/(mapWidth*mapheight) 
on btn1 pressed do 
UserBitMap = (selectBitmap caption:"Select small if u wanna see it work!!") 
mapWidth = UserBitMap.width 
mapheight = UserBitMap.height 
for i = 0 to (mapheight - 1) do 
	 Rowcolors[(i+1)] = getPixels UserBitMap [0,i] mapWidth 
close UserBitMap 
on btn2 pressed do 
createdialog BitmapToPlanesRollout

I guess, I should have instanced a plane instead of creating new ones every time…
Will post again with these changes.
I am attaching a jpg alongwith which can be used to see the script in action … you could use any bitmap, but it better be small size – as erilaz had mentioned earlier –
I didn’t actually check the time it takes to build the planes, but it should be betn 3-4 minutes for this image…

  • shibu

[color=white]I’ve modified the code. Now it uses instanced planes. Coded in Max 6[/color]


rollout[/color] BitmapToPlanesRollout "BitmapToPlanes" width:162 height:106
button btn1 "Select Bitmap" pos:[16,14] width:129 height:28
button btn2 "Create Planes" pos:[16,49] width:129 height:28
progressBar pb1 "" pos:[16,87] width:129 height:8
global UserBitMap
global Rowcolors = #()
global mapWidth
global mapheight
global B2P_orig
fn CGTalkPlanefn x y c = 
B2P = instance B2P_orig = uniqueName "CGTPlane_"
B2P.pos = [x,y,0]
B2P.wirecolor = c 
fn createPlanesfn = 
cnt = 0 
for i = 1 to mapheight do 
	 for j = 1 to mapWidth do 
			CGTalkPlanefn j (i * -1) Rowcolors[i][j] 
			cnt += 1 
			BitmapToPlanesRollout.pb1.value = cnt*100/(mapWidth*mapheight) 
on btn1 pressed do 
UserBitMap = (selectBitmap caption:"Select small if u wanna see it work!!") 
mapWidth = UserBitMap.width 
mapheight = UserBitMap.height 
for i = 0 to (mapheight - 1) do 
	 Rowcolors[(i+1)] = getPixels UserBitMap [0,i] mapWidth 
close UserBitMap 
on btn2 pressed do 
B2P_orig = plane width:1 length:1 lengthSegs:1 widthSegs:1
delete B2P_orig
createdialog BitmapToPlanesRollout

I’m attaching another bitmap for eval purpose.

  • shibu


It didn’t seem to work right away, I think you may need to make B2P_orig a global variable… Or at least it worked when I tried that :), apart from that the result looked great!


ooops yes, forgot to add that line in here while posting.

Great work aaaaCHoooo! The progress bar is a nice little touch.



here is my entry:

 	-- -
 	-- CgTalk Maxscript Challenge 008: "BACK TO BASICS: Bitmap to Planes"
 	-- Dipl. Des. Georg Dümlein
 	-- -
 	-- this utility converts a bitmap to grayscale and 
 	-- displays the grayscale value by rotating the pixel plane
 	-- -
 	-- 2005-08-30 inital release
 	-- -
 	-- 3ds max 7.0 
 	-- -
 	-- know issues:
 	-- mixed up x an y in a uncomfortable way
  	-- instancing the planes is much more effective ?
 	-- -
 	-- used referneces:
 	-- see below
 	-- - 
 	global rdg_bmp2Plane
 	global theBitmap
 	try(destroyDialog rdg_bmp2Plane)catch()
 	-- -
 	rollout rdg_bmp2Plane "8::rdg" (
 		-- functions
 		fn grayMode_luminosity theInputColor = (
 			return theOutputColor
 		fn grayMode_average theInputColor = (
 			return theOutputColor
 		fn calcAngle thePixel = (
 			return theAngle
 		fn calcInvAngle thePixel = (
 			return theAngle
 		-- interface
 		button imgSel_btn " select bitmap "
 		button action_btn "process bitmap" enabled:false
 		group "grayscale mode" (
     		radiobuttons    theGrayMode_rdBtn "" labels:#("luminosity", "average")
 		-- interface: color correction options
 		group "color correction" (
			colorpicker tintColor "tint color" color:(color 255 255 255)
 			checkbox invertBitmap "invert bitmap"
 		-- progressbar -> could be better 		
 		progressbar bitmapProgress
 		-- events
 		on imgSel_btn pressed do (
 			if theBitmap != undefined then (
 		on action_btn pressed do (
 			-- set function to convert bitmap to grayscale
 			case theGrayMode_rdBtn.state of (
 				1: grayAction=grayMode_luminosity
 				2: grayAction=grayMode_average
 			-- set function to calculate the angle -> invert bitmap
 			case invertBitmap.checked of (
 				true: angleCalc=calcInvAngle
 				false: angleCalc=calcAngle
 			-- process the image
 			for x=0 to (theBitmapWidth-1) do (
 				for y=0 to (theBitmapHeight-1) do (
     		    	thePixel=getPixels theBitmap [x,y] 1
 					thePixel=grayAction thePixel
 		 	currentPlane=plane lsegs:1 wsegs:1 width:pWidth length:pLength"pixel_"+x as String+"-"+y as String
     		    	move currentPlane [x*pWidth,-y*pLength,0]
 					theAngle=angleCalc thePixel
     		    	rot_plane=eulerangles theAngle 0 0
 					rotate currentPlane rot_plane
     		    bitmapProgress.value=100.0/(theBitmapHeight as Float)* (x as Float)
 			-- garbage collect ...
 	-- start the show
 	createDialog rdg_bmp2Plane 100 210
 	-- refences
 	-- MaxScript Help: Bitmap Values
 	-- grayscale alogorythms: 
 	-- MaxScript Help: The Return Expression
 	-- MaxScript Help: Case Expression
 	-- MaxScript Help: Radiobuttons
 	-- MaxScript Help: Plane : GeometryClass
 	-- MaxScript Help: Applying Standard Transformations
 	-- MaxScript Help: Colorpicker
 	-- MaxScript Help: ProgressBar

** this is v0.2 : theBitmap is now a global …


your code works great, rdg !! … nice idea.

  • shibu

thanke you aaaaCHoooo.

here is a extended version with animation option:

	 -- -
	 -- CgTalk Maxscript Challenge 008: "BACK TO BASICS: Bitmap to Planes"
	 -- Dipl. Des. Georg Dümlein
	 -- -
	 -- this utility converts a bitmap to grayscale and 
	 -- displays the grayscale value by rotating the pixel plane
	 -- -
	 -- 2005-08-30	inital release
	-- 2005-09-01	animate button added
	--				position store added
	 -- -
	 -- 3ds max 7.0 
	 -- -
	 -- know issues:
	 -- mixed up x an y in a uncomfortable way
	  -- instancing the planes is much more effective ?
	 -- -
	 -- used referneces:
	 -- see below
	 -- - 
	 global rdg_bmp2Plane
	local theIniFile = getDir #plugcfg + "/rdg_tools.ini"
	 global theBitmap
	 try(destroyDialog rdg_bmp2Plane)catch()
	 -- -
	 rollout rdg_bmp2Plane "8::rdg" (
		 -- functions
		 fn grayMode_luminosity theInputColor = (
			 return theOutputColor
		 fn grayMode_average theInputColor = (
			 return theOutputColor
		 fn calcAngle thePixel = (
			 return theAngle
		 fn calcInvAngle thePixel= (
			 return theAngle
		fn rotatePlaneStatic theAngle currentPlane =(
			rot_plane=eulerangles (theAngle) 0 0
			rotate currentPlane rot_plane

		fn rotatePlaneAnim theAngle currentPlane= (
			with animate on(
				at time 0 (
					rot_plane=eulerangles 0 0 0
					rotate currentPlane rot_plane
				at time animationRange.end (
    		    	rot_plane=eulerangles (theAngle) 0 0
					rotate currentPlane rot_plane
		 -- interface
		 button imgSel_btn " select bitmap "
		 button action_btn "process bitmap" enabled:false
		 group "grayscale mode" (
	 		radiobuttons    theGrayMode_rdBtn "" labels:#("luminosity", "average")
		 -- interface: color correction options
		 group "color correction" (
			colorpicker tintColor "tint color" color:(color 255 255 255)
			 checkbox invertBitmap "invert bitmap"
		 -- interface: animate 
		group "animation" (
			radiobuttons anim_rdb "" labels:#("on", "off") columns:2 default:2

		 -- progressbar -> could be better 		
		 progressbar bitmapProgress
		 -- events
		 on imgSel_btn pressed do (
			 if theBitmap != undefined then (
		 on action_btn pressed do (
			 -- set function to convert bitmap to grayscale
			 case theGrayMode_rdBtn.state of (
				 1: grayAction=grayMode_luminosity
				 2: grayAction=grayMode_average
			 -- set function to calculate the angle -> invert bitmap
			 case invertBitmap.checked of (
				 true: angleCalc=calcInvAngle
				 false: angleCalc=calcAngle
			case anim_rdb.state of (
				1: rotateFn=rotatePlaneAnim
				2: rotateFn=rotatePlaneStatic
			 -- process the image
			 for x=0 to (theBitmapWidth-1) do (
				 for y=0 to (theBitmapHeight-1) do (
	 		    	thePixel=getPixels theBitmap [x,y] 1
	 		    	thePixel=grayAction thePixel
	 			 	currentPlane=plane lsegs:1 wsegs:1 width:pWidth length:pLength"pixel_"+x as String+"-"+y as String
	 		    	move currentPlane [x*pWidth,-y*pLength,0]
					theAngle=angleCalc thePixel
	 		    	rotateFn theAngle currentPlane
	 		    bitmapProgress.value=100.0/(theBitmapHeight as Float)* (x as Float)
			 -- garbage collect ...
		on rdg_bmp2Plane moved pos do (
	 		setIniSetting theIniFile "bitmap::hardLight" "Position" (pos as string)
	-- position loader by Bobo
	 thePos = execute (getIniSetting theIniFile "bitmap::hardLight" "Position")
	 if thePos == OK do thePos = [100,100] 
	 -- start the show
	 createDialog rdg_bmp2Plane 100 250 thePos.x thePos.y

	 -- refences
	 -- MaxScript Help: Bitmap Values
	 -- grayscale alogorythms: 
	 -- MaxScript Help: The Return Expression
	 -- MaxScript Help: Case Expression
	 -- MaxScript Help: Radiobuttons
	 -- MaxScript Help: Plane : GeometryClass
	 -- MaxScript Help: Applying Standard Transformations
	 -- MaxScript Help: Colorpicker
	 -- MaxScript Help: ProgressBar
	-- cgtalk thread where bobo axplains how to store the dialog position
	-- MaxScript Help: Time Configuration Dialog


Great job guys. I’ll hopefully be posting a new challenge next week. Everyone’s gripped in challenge fever at the moment, so these minor challenges get less attention!

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