[Closed] Cell Style in DataGridView problem
hi all!
I have a weird problem setting the backcolor in my datagridview.
Each time i execute a script, it takes a little more time each time ( time = timeInFirstExecution * numberOfExecutions).
code sample with the problem:
global dataGridViewRol
try (destroydialog dataGridViewRol)
rollout dataGridViewRol "DataGridView"
dotnetcontrol dgv "DataGridView" width:420 height:220 align:#center
on dataGridViewRol open do
dgv.Dock = dgv.Dock.Fill
dgv.RowHeadersVisible = false
for i = 1 to 8 do
if (mod i 2 as integer != 0) then
dgv.columns.add (dotnetobject "DataGridViewTextBoxColumn")
dgv.columns.add (dotnetobject "DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn")
for i=0 to dgv.Columns.count-1 do dgv.Columns.Item[i].width = 50
numCells = dgv.Columns.count - 1
oddColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").Gray
evenColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").LightGray
dtStartTime = (dotnetclass "system.datetime").Now
for i = 1 to 20 do
odd = (mod i 2 as integer != 0)
row = dotnetobject "DataGridViewRow"
row.DefaultCellStyle = dgv.RowsDefaultCellStyle
dgv.rows.add row
rowCells = row.cells
rowCells.item[0].value = "Column1"
rowCells.item[1].value = not odd
rowCells.item[2].value = "Column3"
rowCells.item[3].value = odd
rowCells.item[4].value = "Column5"
rowCells.item[5].value = not odd
rowCells.item[6].value = "Column7"
rowCells.item[7].value = odd
/* uncomment the next two lines for a very slow loop, and slower each execution
for j = 0 to numCells do
rowCells.Item[j].Style.BackColor = (if odd then oddColor else evenColor)
dtFinishTime = (dotnetclass "system.datetime").Now
sScriptTime = (dtFinishTime.subtract dtStartTime).tostring()
format "Set Rows Execution Time: %
" sScriptTime
createdialog dataGridViewRol 420 225
everything is OK. don’t worry. sometimes it creates(loads) slower, sometimes faster. it probably depends on .net garbage collection.
Thanks for the reply denis!
I think now I can sleep well.
I can´t wait seconds if i load a lot of info for a lot of objects. So, i will change only the first cell backcolor for clarity.
Yes! i am not crazy!
But i didn’t found exactly where is the problem or how to solve it. I tried some ideas but without success.
For sure i am doing something wrong, or not as efficient as it can be done.
Thanks for think on it!
if you want to have just only different backcolors (or whole style) for even and odd row use AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.datagridview.alternatingrowsdefaultcellstyle%28v=vs.110%29.aspx )
but if you want to color every cell… hmm… yes. something is not disposing. system still keeps copies of all created cells. so every time you create new set, but system doesn’t dispose old. and it has to update all instances. why it happens i don’t know yet
here is a workaround:
oddColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").Gray
evenColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").LightGray
oddStyle = dotnetobject "DataGridViewCellStyle"
oddStyle.ApplyStyle dgv.RowsDefaultCellStyle
oddStyle.Backcolor = oddColor
evenStyle = dotnetobject "DataGridViewCellStyle"
evenStyle.ApplyStyle dgv.RowsDefaultCellStyle
evenStyle.Backcolor = evenColor
--format ">> % %
" (oddStyle.Backcolor.ToString()) (evenStyle.Backcolor.ToString())
dtStartTime = (dotnetclass "system.datetime").Now
for i = 1 to 20 do
odd = (mod i 2 as integer != 0)
row = dotnetobject "DataGridViewRow"
--row.DefaultCellStyle = if odd then oddStyle else evenStyle
dgv.rows.add row
rowCells = row.cells
--uncomment the next two lines for a very slow loop, and slower each execution
for j = 0 to numCells do rowCells.Item[j].Style = (if odd then oddStyle else evenStyle)
but i still don’t understand what happens in your original solution…
but as i said, you only need
dgv.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.Backcolor = evenColor
btw… row index starts from 0, so you have change logic what is odd, and what is even to opposite
Sadly no.
I use the backcolor as additional visual help to separate related objects in the datagridview.
I remember AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle after wrote the sample code, it’s a regular sample code to see the exact problem.
I don’t use the script many times on the same max sesion, so i can avoid a serious problem.
Thanks for the time!