[Closed] catch list view selection in custom max control
The following gives the dot net material explorer all ready to go, but I’m not sure what method to use to catch the selection or the name of a selected node and output in the listener. In tree view, I would use ItemSelectionChanged, but the dot net object doesn’t have this event.
lv = dotNetObject "MaxCustomControls.MaterialExplorerControls.MaterialExplorerDialog"
I would recommend using the available maxscript to open/close the mateerialexplorerer, before going the dotnet route. At least for the existing parts. Tehr emay be some additional things happen in Max when you use the correct Maxscript interface.
eg. the Material Explorer windows stays in front of Max , which it does’nt when you use your dotnet show() call
Interface: MaterialExplorerManager
OpenMaterialExplorer - no automatic redraw after invoked
CloseMaterialExplorer - no automatic redraw after invoked
<bool>LoadMaterialExplorerConfiguration <&TSTR>configurationFile
LoadMaterialExplorerConfiguration - no automatic redraw after invoked
configurationFile is In parameter
<bool>SaveMaterialExplorerConfiguration <&TSTR>outputConfigurationFile
SaveMaterialExplorerConfiguration - no automatic redraw after invoked
outputConfigurationFile is In parameter
IsMaterialExplorerOpen - no automatic redraw after invoked
Additionally you always can query the interface of dotnet controls
to get the events the Mat. Explorer provides you can use (using your variable name above)
showevents lv