[Closed] Cannot delete file
hey there!
I try to delete a folder with this function:
local folderpath = @“mypath”
local sioDir = dotNetClass “System.IO.Directory”
if (SIODir.Exists folderPath) do SIODir.Delete (folderPath) true
this works perfectly IF there is no file which is currently used by 3ds max… otherwise it gives me this warning:
– Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: ; position: 2; line: 1
– Runtime error: .NET runtime exception: The process cannot access the file ‘my_image.jpg’ because it is being used by another process.
How can I force the delete of the folder even though 3ds max is using some of its files?
Thank you!
Well if I free the variable I dont see why max couldnt process the delete of the file?
I have buttons like this:
local pathImg_Script = #(dnImg.fromFile (“icon_Script_IDLE.jpg”))
dotnetcontrol bt_script “Label” pos:[656,0] width:20 height:20
on myrollout open do
bt_script.image = pathImg_script[1]
If I can “free” that dotnet button, i could free the “icon_script_idle.jpg” texture file.
I can have access to all the dotnet buttons of my rollout with: MyRollout.controls[i]
So I just need the line that would free the dotnetcontrol, make a loop and it’s done
fromStream instead of fromFile?
can you write the line for me? I’m not good at dotnet
thank you! :3