[Closed] Can MaxScript control every tool and parameter in Max?
Hi bobo i bought your previous DVD. and i help me a lot on start learning maxscript.
This dvd will be really handy right know , anydate for the realease of the dvd? whow is going is near to end or is in the middle of the production ?
anyway it wil be rally handy so thunks for develope a dvd like this.
Actualy Bobo might beat my DVD out the door. I’m considering redoing the last several chapters because it is just to complicated for an intermediate DVD. I’ll decide later today or tomorrow as I will have a better idea of how much I have to deal with to get it to all work. Bobo’s DVD is the biggy in my opinion for any TD. I have been working with matrices for some time and I am very comfortable working with them but I will get this DVD as soon as it is ready to ship. I know that I’m going to learn things that I had never even considered before, like how to write a ray tracer, I just can’t wait to see this.
yes , loft is very powerful in max . we use it every day . but because the frequency is too high so i want do some scripts about loft , i have read all the upper replys and just as bobo said loft cant be create by script now . so my question :
not care of the create of the loft , after the loft action ,can i access all or some of the optionsof the loft ? cause i always use some of options and it have so much options . i want gather them into one panel or just a rollout .
show $loft01
this result is something about deformations .can i access the other options in other options group like “surface parameters, path parameters,skin parameters”…,
wish bobo tell me “ok,of cause u can access them , eg…”
thanks .
Unfortunately, I cannot tell you that. The available properties are what you have listed already.
i want buy ur DVDs now , and is it nessary for me to buy all of ur dvds or just by the latest version of dvd ? that is to say if ur new dvd has include all file of previrus dvds then buy 1 else i have to buy >1 .
sorry ,my english is not very good .
find 3 dvd on http://www.cg-academy.net/dvds_menu_3dsmax.php . thinking which one to buy and how to save my money .
The first MAXScript DVD by Laszlo (whom I replaced as TD at Frantic Films, btw) introduces you with the basic concepts of scripting like variables, functions etc. If you are just starting with MAXScript, you should get that one.
The second MAXScript DVD which is by me takes a step to the side and shows you how to use MAXScript as a command line control tool to manipulate large amounts of objects. It has lots to do with arrays, for loops, shows you how to manipulate node properties, modifiers, materials, how to successfully find objects in the mess of your scene by various properties and has some info on saving, loading and exporting. All this as related to MASSIVE amounts of objects, thus the name “MAXScrtipt For The Masses”. In addition, if you wanted to use MAXScript WITHOUT actually learning how to program, that would be the DVD you would like to buy
The new DVD will be more advanced (although still aimed at the artists with no mathematics or programming background). Until it is ready, I don’t want to comment on how much more difficult it will be.
You can buy the first two in a boxed set at a reduced price.
I assume there could be a 3 DVD set in the future, but this is up to CG-Academy…