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[Closed] Can't find open group head to close


I got this annoying error “Can’t find open group head to close” when I want to create assembly. I guess this happen when I change parent of any group member to another object. How we can fix this?

3 Replies

Now, I realized why this happen. When we link last member of an open group to another object, grouphead dummy will be remain in the scene:

	fn CreateGroup Objs Name:"GroupHead" SetOpen:false = 
		BeforeGroup = Objects as array
		group Objs name:Name
		local Head = undefined
		for o in Objects where finditem BeforeGroup o == 0 while Head == undefined do Head = o
		if isvalidnode Head and SetOpen == true do setGroupOpen Head true
	delete objects
	Obj = sphere()
	GroupHead = CreateGroup #(Obj) SetOpen:true
	ParentObj = box pos:[100,0,0]
	Obj.parent = ParentObj
	assemblyMgr.canassemble objects

This function works but I don’t know why I have to run it multiple times to make it work.

	fn IsHead Obj = 
		isgrouphead Obj or isopengrouphead Obj
	fn IsMember Obj = 
		isgroupmember Obj or isopengroupmember Obj
	fn ClearUnusedGroups =
		for o in objects where IsMember o and not IsHead (P = o.parent) do
			detachNodesFromGroup o
			o.parent = P
		for o in objects where IsHead o and o.children.count == 0 do explodegroup o
	for i = 1 to 4 do ClearUnusedGroups()
	assemblyMgr.canassemble objects

if you read this thread till the end, you get the solution for sure