[Closed] Can't access mixin interface functions in MaxScript
I create mixin interface using Autodesc tutorial. https://help.autodesk.com/view/MAXDEV/2021/ENU/?guid=__developer_3ds_max_sdk_features_function_publishing_mixin_interfaces_html
Problem is i can’t access interface functions in MaxScript. Maybe i didn’t undestand something in the tutorial.
MaxScript code:
TestObject.foo.move $baz [10,10,10]
– Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: C:\Users\Admin is real\Desktop\GetFunc.ms; position: 32; line: 0
– MAXScript FileIn Exception:
– Unknown property: “foo” in undefined
– MAXScript callstack:
– thread data: threadID:14704
– [stack level: 0]
– In top-level
not a solution to your problem, just a suggestion really that including code that requires 3rd party libraries to compile may limit the number of people who are able to help.
well, it works.
create a “TestObject” in your scene
rename it to “baz”, if you want to call it baz
if the object is selected:
$.foo.move [1,2,3]
if the object is not selected:
TestObject.foo.move $baz [1,2,3]