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[Closed] Camera from another soft

Hi all.
I have small problem.
I wrote exporter data from blender.(relax I do not create my own stupid format). I am importing standard obj:).Extra in xml file I have got data about location etc. Scene looks the same as in blender(Eventually:))
I added also Camera import.
In xml file I have got data about location,rotation.scale and Lens value(35mm)
I looked at
I tried most of them. Render from max doesn’t look even similar to blender(I mean object are moved, vow value are bad all the time)
Anyone have got any idea why it work wrong? And what I can do now?

2 Replies

how do you set FOV?

I think I found solution.
Firsty, I used

Lens = 0.5 * (GetRendApertureWidth() / tan(FOV/2.0))
and backwards
FOV = 2.0* atan(GetRendApertureWidth()/Lens*0.5)

Where Lens is 35.
In blender is something like data.sensor_width(32) and it is equivalent of GetRendApertureWidth().
Now I must get to ApertureWidth() and change it.
Main question now is how to do that?
I tried use MacroRecorder to find but it doesn't change...
I found 
