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[Closed] callback to detect the change in renderer parameters?

I need to detect when users change renderer parameters(probably 3rd party).
Is it possible with Maxscript?

1 Reply
fn rendProps = (	
 	for p in getpropnames renderers.current collect (getproperty renderers.current p)
 fn compareProps = (	
 	local i = 1
 	for p in getpropnames renderers.current do (
 		local prop = getproperty renderers.current p
 		if prop != props[i] then (			
 			format "%: %
" (p as string) prop
 			return false			
 		i = i + 1
 props = rendProps()

 when parameters renderers.current change id:#ppp2 do (	
 	props = rendProps()
 	--deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#ppp2

wonder if theres any easier way of getting property and value that actually changed