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[Closed] callback functions needs to be global?
Jul 31, 2009 8:02 pm
Does the callback functions need to be declared globally? If this is the case I have to keep all functions that needs to be accessed from the callback global too? (ie: foo2())
For example, I don’t want to declare foo2 as a global function – I still want it to stay inside my scope level. Does anyone have a solution to this?
Once you put the callback function inside the scope level it fails.
fn foo2 =
format "another function
fn whendeleted = --define a callback function
callbacks.removeScripts #selectedNodesPreDelete
format "callback function entered, trying to call foo2()
fn foo =
-- make sure we remove the callback
callbacks.removeScripts #selectedNodesPreDelete
--register the function as general callback
callbacks.addscript #selectedNodesPreDelete "whendeleted()"
mypot1 = teapot() --create a teapot
select mypot1
max delete --trigger the callback function
foo() -- test it!
2 Replies
Jul 31, 2009 8:02 pm
I did an initial global function decleration, and suddenly it works!
Can anyone explain why? Underneath is the working example:
global whendeleted
fn foo2 =
format "another function
fn whendeleted = --doesn't work inside scope! needs to be global
callbacks.removeScripts #selectedNodesPreDelete
format "callback function entered, trying to call foo2()
foo2() -- can't access foo2() inside scope level beneath
fn foo =
-- make sure we remove the callback
callbacks.removeScripts #selectedNodesPreDelete
--register the function as general callback
callbacks.addscript #selectedNodesPreDelete "whendeleted()" persistent:true
mypot1 = teapot() --create a teapot
select mypot1
max delete --trigger the callback function
foo() -- test it!
Jul 31, 2009 8:02 pm
as minimum a pointer to function in callback function has to be global, but here is a trick:
global when_select
local foo, whenselect1, whenselect2
fn whenselect1 = --define a callback function
callbacks.removeScripts id:#test_callback
format "selection changed 1
when_select = whenselect2
fn whenselect2 = --define a callback function
callbacks.removeScripts id:#test_callback
format "selection changed 2
when_select = whenselect1
fn foo =
callbacks.removeScripts id:#test_callback
callbacks.addscript #selectionSetChanged "when_select()" id:#test_callback
format "reset select callback
when_select = whenselect1
foo() -- test it!
so, you can use local functions in callback assigning them to global pointer