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[Closed] call a material editor sample slot

Hi all,
How can I call a sample slot from the material editor (the action of double clicking the)?


8 Replies

set this slot active and call medit.GetCurMtl()

i don’t have max to check… am i missing anything?

5 Replies
Joined: 11 months ago

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Hi Denis,
the medit.GetCurMtl() only returns the current bitmap, but it does not open the sample preview

Joined: 11 months ago

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you didn’t ask anything about a preview… what do you actually want?

do you want to launch magnify window for current material editor slot?

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you can do it with only opened Material Editor

	actionman.executeAction 2 "40296"
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Yes this is what I needed. Thanks again
Also is there another command that closes this magnify window?

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there is no a command to close it. you can close it using UIAccessor.CloseDialog

Or you can make your own window that shows the bitmap(scaled to desired size) and then can close this window via maxscript.

Ripped from my old script. You can scale the rollout and the bitmap will scale with it. You can move the rollout by draging the bitmap with the mouse.

	global rol_MapPreview
	try(destroyDialog rol_MapPreview)catch()
	rollout rol_MapPreview ""
		local theBMP = undefined
		local mousedd = false
		local roPos = [0,0]
		on rol_MapPreview lbuttonup pos do mousedd = false 
		on rol_MapPreview lbuttondown pos do
			mousedd = true
			roPos = pos
		on rol_MapPreview mousemove pos do
			if mousedd do SetDialogPos rol_MapPreview  (mouse.screenpos - roPos)
		imgtag bm_Preview pos:[0,0] width:196 height:196 bitmap:(bitmap 1 1 color:black) enabled:off
		on rol_MapPreview open do
			theBMP = meditmaterials[1].diffuseMap.fileName
			rol_MapPreview.title = filenameFromPath theBMP
			bm_Preview.bitmap =  (openBitmap theBMP)
			bm_Preview.width = rol_MapPreview.width
			bm_Preview.height = rol_MapPreview.height
		on rol_MapPreview resized Point2 do
			local ro_size = GetDialogSize rol_MapPreview
			--	keep rollout square
			rol_MapPreview.width = ro_size[1]
			rol_MapPreview.height = ro_size[1]			
			bm_Preview.width = ro_size[1] - 2
			bm_Preview.height = ro_size[1] - 2						
			--	rollout can't be smaller than 196x196 px
			if rol_MapPreview.width < 196 do rol_MapPreview.width = 196
			if rol_MapPreview.height < 196 do rol_MapPreview.height = 196
		on rol_MapPreview close do
	createDialog rol_MapPreview 196 196 style:#(#style_sysmenu,#style_toolwindow,#style_resizing)	
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Joined: 11 months ago

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This is fine, but the reason I need the sample preview is because I need to see the texture after I change the RBG offset spinner and invert checkbox.
You can see the image below: