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[Closed] C++ Spline Knot Points

Hi, I am trying to get the points of a Spline and place Pointer objects in the same position. I can create the Points using the spline, but they are not positioned on the spline, but slightly off. Even if I move my Spline and rerun the code, its still in the same place. Have this got to do with World space ? Anyone know why ?? Code below:

Object *newObject = node->GetObjectRef();
  	BezierShape* s = &((SplineShape*)newObject)->shape;
  	Spline3D *t = s->splines[0];
  	Object *newPoint = (Object*)ip->CreateInstance(HELPER_CLASS_ID, Class_ID(POINTHELP_CLASS_ID, 0));
  	for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
  	SplineKnot u = t->GetKnot(i);
  	INode *HelpNode = ip->CreateObjectNode(newPoint);
  	Matrix3 tm;
  		HelpNode->SetNodeTM(TimeValue(0), tm);
2 Replies

of course knot position returned with (GetKnot(i)).Knot() is in object coordinate system.
to get it in world you have to multiply it by ObjectTM

Ahh Lovely, everything is where it should be now Thanks