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[Closed] C++ Pick Button

Hi, I am trying to create a Pick Button. I have used the samples to get a basic verson of the code, although Max seems to crash as soon as I click the button. So I believe there something wrong with my SetPickMode … Anyone know ? All code is below:

     // Spline Pick
     BOOL SplinePickMode::Filter(INode *node){
     	ExecuteMAXScriptScript(_T("print \"Filter\""), 0, 0);
     	ExecuteMAXScriptScript(_T("print \"Got Node\""), 0, 0);
     	return TRUE;
     	return FALSE;
     BOOL SplinePickMode::HitTest(IObjParam *iop, HWND hWnd, ViewExp * /*vpt*/, IPoint2 m,int flags) {
     	ExecuteMAXScriptScript(_T("print \"HitTest\""), 0, 0);
     	return iop->PickNode(hWnd,m,this) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     BOOL SplinePickMode::Pick(IObjParam *iop, ViewExp *vpt){
     		if ( ! vpt || ! vpt->IsAlive() )
     		// why are we here
     		DbgAssert(!_T("Invalid viewport!"));
     		return FALSE;
     	ExecuteMAXScriptScript(_T("print \"PickingNode\""), 0, 0);
     	INode *node = vpt->GetClosestHit();
     	if (!Filter(node)) return FALSE;
     	ExecuteMAXScriptScript(_T("print \"Return\""), 0, 0);
     	return FALSE;
     void SplinePickMode::EnterMode(IObjParam *iop) {
     	ExecuteMAXScriptScript(_T("print \"Enter\""), 0, 0);
     void SplinePickMode::ExitMode(IObjParam *iop) {
     	ExecuteMAXScriptScript(_T("print \"End\""), 0, 0);
     static SplinePickMode PickSpline;
     class RenderDlgProc : public ParamMap2UserDlgProc 
     		INT_PTR DlgProc(TimeValue t, IParamMap2 *map, HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
     			Render_Object *p = (Render_Object*)map->GetParamBlock()->GetOwner();
     			switch (msg) 
     				case WM_INITDIALOG:
     						theRender.ip = GetCOREInterface();
     				case WM_COMMAND:
     					switch( LOWORD(wParam) )
     					case IDC_PICKSPLINE:
     						ExecuteMAXScriptScript(_T("print \"PickingSpline\""), 0, 0);
     					return FALSE;
     			return TRUE;
     		void DeleteThis() {};
Sorry for all the Prints, I just place them around so where my code is crashing ^^ Thanks

Edit *: Never Mind, I got it to work. I have redone the code above with the new working code incase anyone wants it. Thanks