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[Closed] C++ ObjOffsetPos always at (0,0,0) ?

Hi, I am trying to change the pivot point on my Node. But whenever I get the ObjOffSetPos, its always at (0, 0, 0). How do I change this so I am able to get the Pos of the Node. The Code I am using is below:

Box3 bb;
  	ViewExp& vpt = ip->GetViewExp(NULL);
  	for( auto i = 0; i < ip->GetSelNodeCount(); i++){
  		INode *newnode = ip->GetSelNode(i);
  		theObject.GetWorldBoundBox(ip->GetTime(), newnode, vpt.ToPointer(), bb);
  		Point3 theBoxMax(&bb.pmax[0]);
  		Point3 pt = newnode->GetObjOffsetPos();
  		Point3 newpt(pt.x + theBoxMax.x, pt.y + theBoxMax.y, pt.z + theBoxMax.z);
  		Matrix3 tm;
  		newnode->SetNodeTM(TimeValue(0), tm);
  		newnode = NULL;