here is modified version above (it’s hard to beat the performance) optimized for memory use
fn BreakAndWeldAllUvwVerts obj =
converttomesh obj
mesh = snapshotasmesh obj
meshop.breakverts mesh #all
setnumtverts obj mesh.numtverts
buildtvfaces obj
for v=1 to mesh.numtverts do settvert obj v (gettvert mesh v)
verts = for v=1 to obj.numverts collect #()
idx = deepcopy verts
for j = 1 to mesh.numfaces do
f1 = getface obj j
f2 = gettvface mesh j
for i=1 to 3 do
p = gettvert mesh f2[i]
if (k = finditem verts[f1[i]] p) == 0 then
append verts[f1[i]] p
append idx[f1[i]] f2[i]
else f2[i] = idx[f1[i]][k]
settvface obj j f2
gc light:on
st = timestamp(); sh = heapfree
BreakAndWeldAllUvwVerts $
format "faces:% time:% ram:%
" $.numfaces (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree)
it was against your previous version…
i convert to mesh at the begging of the function to make the operation undoable. that causes a slight difference in performance…
The delay in the notification system makes following the Thread confusing some times…
I think the 5-10% difference in speed is due to the loop, not that much the converttomesh.
for i=1 to 3 do
anyway i would prefer
for i=1 to <n> do...
that’s more clear and it can be used with editable poly algorithms as well
You are very good in general Doctor (well… I think you already know that).
The sort of little challenge adds a different flavor to solving the problem, but to me the best of this kind of exercises is the learning process.
Just twice?
at least twice…
we are in a little different positions. you are young and hungry, i’m old and bored.
btw… i’m 99% in the maya api programming now. but maxscripting is still my favorite brain practice routine!
I folow this thread from the beginning and must tell one thing. U guys tear apart this forum with incredible coding skills.
@Jorge as I said the other day on scriptspot KUNG-FU
@Denis I don’t belive you
You are here to force us to learn something useful and to accept any challenge.
Anyway beer for all
Soon they’ll get the result before executing
1sec instead of my 45min hahaha.
Very well done gentlemen.
A new approach. I am not sure if we will be able to squeeze this lemmon further.
faces:99380 time:1325 ram:43134792L
faces:99380 time:1111 ram:16968240L
faces:99380 time:577 ram:16968208L
fn BreakAndWeldAllUvwVerts obj =
mesh = snapshotasmesh obj
setnumtverts obj (obj.numfaces*3)
buildtvfaces obj
verts = for j = 1 to obj.numverts collect #()
idx = deepcopy verts
for j = 1 to obj.numfaces do
f1 = getface obj j
f2 = gettvface mesh j
i3 = j*3
i2 = i3-1
i1 = i3-2
v1 = gettvert mesh f2[1]
v2 = gettvert mesh f2[2]
v3 = gettvert mesh f2[3]
k1 = finditem verts[f1[1]] v1
k2 = finditem verts[f1[2]] v2
k3 = finditem verts[f1[3]] v3
if k1 == 0 then
append verts[f1[1]] v1
append idx[f1[1]] i1
else i1 = idx[f1[1]][k1]
if k2 == 0 then
append verts[f1[2]] v2
append idx[f1[2]] i2
else i2 = idx[f1[2]][k2]
if k3 == 0 then
append verts[f1[3]] v3
append idx[f1[3]] i3
else i3 = idx[f1[3]][k3]
settvert obj i1 v1
settvert obj i2 v2
settvert obj i3 v3
settvface obj j [i1,i2,i3]
st = timestamp(); sh = heapfree
BreakAndWeldAllUvwVerts $
format "faces:% time:% ram:%
" $.numfaces (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree)