actually it’s for pros only tenth maxscript developer knows how bsearch works and how to use it.
Of course it is a pro searching algorithm, I was kidding.
But to use bsearch you would need to modify much more than 1 line of code in your original script. What I posted was a quick easy improvement with a huge impact for what it is.
So, and to keep just those few developers in the “bsearch elite”, I am supposing you wont either publish the code nor will you teach us on how to use bsearch right?
Or are you feeling generous today?
i’m pretty kind today
and i show the bsearch version… as you can see i didn’t add too much to basic algorithm, but i reorganized the data
fn hashSorter d1 d2 = (if d1[1] < d2[1] then -1 else if d1[1] > d2[1] then 1 else 0)
fn breakTVerts node:selection[1] =
converttomesh node
mesh = snapshotasmesh node
meshop.breakverts mesh #all
setnumtverts node mesh.numtverts
buildtvfaces node
tverts = for v=1 to mesh.numtverts collect
settvert node v (p = gettvert mesh v)
tfaces = for f=1 to mesh.numfaces collect
vv = getface node f
tt = gettvface mesh f
for k=1 to 3 where not iskindof tverts[tt[k]] array do tverts[tt[k]] = #(gethashvalue tverts[tt[k]] vv[k], tt[k])
settvface node f tt
qsort tverts hashSorter
#(tfaces, tverts)
fn weldTVVerts node:selection[1] data: =
dd = data[2]
vv = #()
for d in dd do
v = bsearch d dd hashSorter
vv[d[2]] = v[2]
for f=1 to node.numfaces do
d = data[1][f]
settvface node f [vv[d[1]],vv[d[2]],vv[d[3]]]
meshop.deleteisomapvertsall node
t1 = timestamp()
data = breakTVerts node:objects[1]
t2 = timestamp()
num = weldTVVerts node:objects[1] data:data
t3 = timestamp()
format "faces:% time:%
" num #(t2-t1, t3-t2, t3-t1)
BTW… i’ve made this algorithm with c++ sdk. it takes ~0.7 sec for ~80K faces mesh.
ha! i still see another way for optimization
let me think a little…
EDITED! yes! 10934 instead of 14523.
only one small change:
local hash, index
for d in dd do
if d[1] == hash then vv[d[2]] = index
v = bsearch d dd hashSorter
hash = d[1]
index = vv[d[2]] = v[2]
I got these results, before and after this optimization:
faces:99380 time:#(6349, 3245, 9594) ram:81190712L
faces:99380 time:#(6333, 1170, 7503) ram:81197800L
I am using a model build with 20 copies of the origianl OBJ model uploaded by @Clanker
Here is my Algorithm:
faces:99380 time:1325 ram:43134792L
fn BreakAndWeldAllUvwVerts obj =
mesh = snapshotasmesh obj
meshop.breakverts mesh #all
setnumtverts obj mesh.numtverts
buildtvfaces obj
for j = 1 to mesh.numtverts do settvert obj j (gettvert mesh j)
verts = for j = 1 to obj.numverts collect #()
idx = deepcopy verts
for j = 1 to mesh.numfaces do
f1 = getface obj j
f2 = gettvface mesh j
v1 = gettvert mesh f2[1]
v2 = gettvert mesh f2[2]
v3 = gettvert mesh f2[3]
k1 = finditem verts[f1[1]] v1
k2 = finditem verts[f1[2]] v2
k3 = finditem verts[f1[3]] v3
append verts[f1[1]] v1
append verts[f1[2]] v2
append verts[f1[3]] v3
for i = 1 to 3 do append idx[f1[i]] f2[i]
if k1 > 0 do f2[1] = idx[f1[1]][k1]
if k2 > 0 do f2[2] = idx[f1[2]][k2]
if k3 > 0 do f2[3] = idx[f1[3]][k3]
settvface obj j f2
st = timestamp(); sh = heapfree
BreakAndWeldAllUvwVerts $
format "faces:% time:% ram:%
" $.numfaces (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree)
PD: @Clanker, I wonder if you could upload a larger model for testing so the tests would be more real than using duplicated parts.
w00t w00t ! You guys are sick and i like it.
Yeah, i’ll see to upload a more complex model, but i’m affraid i can’t share a real piece or i’ll do by pm tomorrow.
Thanks !
Improved Speed and Memory ussage:
faces:99380 time:1325 ram:43134792L
faces:99380 time:1111 ram:16968240L
fn BreakAndWeldAllUvwVerts obj =
mesh = snapshotasmesh obj
meshop.breakverts mesh #all
setnumtverts obj mesh.numtverts
buildtvfaces obj
for j = 1 to mesh.numtverts do settvert obj j (gettvert mesh j)
verts = for j = 1 to obj.numverts collect #()
idx = deepcopy verts
for j = 1 to mesh.numfaces do
f1 = getface obj j
f2 = gettvface mesh j
v1 = gettvert mesh f2[1]
v2 = gettvert mesh f2[2]
v3 = gettvert mesh f2[3]
k1 = finditem verts[f1[1]] v1
k2 = finditem verts[f1[2]] v2
k3 = finditem verts[f1[3]] v3
if k1 == 0 then
append verts[f1[1]] v1
append idx[f1[1]] f2[1]
f2[1] = idx[f1[1]][k1]
if k2 == 0 then
append verts[f1[2]] v2
append idx[f1[2]] f2[2]
f2[2] = idx[f1[2]][k2]
if k3 == 0 then
append verts[f1[3]] v3
append idx[f1[3]] f2[3]
f2[3] = idx[f1[3]][k3]
settvface obj j f2
st = timestamp(); sh = heapfree
BreakAndWeldAllUvwVerts $
format "faces:% time:% ram:%
" $.numfaces (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree)