[Closed] Bounding sphere for spheres
I’m going to explain it to you, although with little hope that you understand.
When I answer to you, I take my time to:
- Understand what your problem is
- Read and understand what your code does (you haven’t explained it).
- Think about your solution to see if it can be valid using all my mathematic-engineering background.
- Realize that it can’t and find a good example to show you that it can’t.
- Draw the example, capture the screen, upload the image to a server and post the answer.
After all that, the answer I recieve from you is that my example doesn’t fit what you are proposing. And that is not true. So, the only explanations I see are:
- You have taken a lot less time to read my post than me to try to give you a good answer. That is not very polite
- You don’t mind at all and you are going to use your method yes or yes. That is not very polite either.
By the way, you are lucky if your problem with the 183 pages PDF is just the English language. You have incredible Maths skill! Who could have said it…
Like I said, really apologize for the misunderstanding. I know it´s hard to believe, but english is really a much biger problem for me than math. I am defenetly not a Dr. of math, but the formula stuff, was the only thing, I more or less understood there.
But the biger problem then english language itself for me is its mentality (posiblly not the right word, but have no idea how to call it). When I write thanks for the answer, I meanI really greatfull and it shouldn´t be taken ironicaly, or don´t know how it called. It´s really hard for me to know how you´ll understand my answer.
So if I understood you right now, you think I wrote something like this: “your answer is sh*t, I don´t care about, going to use my solution aniway”. I defenetly didn´t said something like that.
here is a little toy to play with “bounding sphere” idea:
/********** METHODS and STRUCTS ***********/
struct SphereData (pair, radius, center)
fn pairGenerator count =
pairs = #()
for k=1 to count do for n = (k+1) to count do append pairs [k,n]
fn sphereDistance s0 s1 ¢er: =
p = s1.pos - s0.pos
d = length p
v = normalize p
p0 = s0.pos - s0.radius * v
p1 = s1.pos + s1.radius * v
if defined center do center = (p0 + p1)/2
--point pos:p0
--point pos:p1
--point pos:center
radius = (distance p0 p1)/2
if radius < s0.radius or radius < s1.radius then -1 else radius
fn sortByRadius v0 v1 = if v0.radius < v1.radius then 1 else if v0.radius > v1.radius then -1 else 0
/************ RANDOM SCENE SETUP ************/
with redraw off
delete objects
count = 50
max_offset = 200
minmax_radius = [5,100]
for k=1 to count do
pos = random -[max_offset,max_offset,max_offset] [max_offset,max_offset,max_offset]
radius = random minmax_radius.x minmax_radius.y
geosphere segs:8 pos:pos radius:radius name:(k as string) wirecolor:yellow
gc light:on
/********** MAKE BOUNDING SPHERE ***********/
bounds = #()
iter = 0
best_bound = -1
curr_bound = 0
act = on
while act do
sps = for obj in objects where iskindof obj geosphere collect obj
ss = pairGenerator sps.count
global _xx = for s in ss collect
x = s[1]
y = s[2]
r = sphereDistance sps[x] sps[y] center:&c
SphereData pair:s radius:r center:c
qsort _xx sortbyradius
p = _xx[1]
curr_bound = p.radius
if (best_bound + 0.01 < curr_bound) then
geosphere segs:8 radius:p.radius pos:p.center wirecolor:red name:#bound
iter += 1
best_bound = curr_bound
append bounds best_bound
format "% >> radius:%\n" iter best_bound
else act = off
format "% = difference:%\n" [bounds[1],bounds[iter]] (bounds[1]/bounds[iter])
you can try to run whole script above.
it will make a scene of yellow target spheres and generate red bounding spheres for them.
in the listener you will see some log output which tells number of iterations, min and max bounding radius, and difference.
as you can see the difference is usually not greater than 10% depending on number of target spheres, their scattering size, and radius.
the algorithm idea is:
– find two the most distant spheres
– make a bounding sphere around these two
– add new bounding sphere to the target list
– repeat above steps…
the “ideal” bounding sphere is in-between first and last bounding spheres.
how to find it will be your homework
this is the worst possible difference (easy to calculate)
the red circle is the result of my algorithm, the green one is the “ideal” bounding…
the picture should give you a hint about how to find the “ideal”.
Thanks, that looks very interesting, let see what I can do with it using my very limited maxscript knowledge, but sincerely grateful.
Just 1 question, what is that other sphere is, I mean not the green and not the red one? No idea what that color is in english.