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slice… ok, ok… here is it:

/* denisT collection 2013 */

plugin simpleObject ConePlus name:"ConePlus"
classID:#(0x00001967, 0x1023099b)
category:"Standard Plus" 
	local coneobject 
	parameters params rollout:params
		radius1 type:#worldUnits default:0 ui:ui_radius1
		radius2 type:#worldUnits default:0 ui:ui_radius2
		height type:#worldUnits default:0 ui:ui_height
		bias type:#float default:0 ui:ui_bias
		biasPower type:#float default:10 ui:ui_biasPower
		heightsegs type:#integer default:1 ui:ui_heightsegs
		capsegs type:#integer default:1 ui:ui_capsegs
		sides type:#integer default:16 ui:ui_sides
		smooth type:#boolean default:on ui:ui_smooth
		sliceOn type:#boolean default:off ui:ui_sliceOn
		sliceFrom type:#float default:0 ui:ui_sliceFrom 
		sliceTo type:#float default:0 ui:ui_sliceTo
		mapCoords type:#boolean default:on ui:ui_mapCoords
		realWorldMapSize type:#boolean default:off ui:ui_realWorldMapSize 

		on sliceOn get val do try
			this.params.ui_sliceFrom.enabled = this.params.ui_sliceTo.enabled = val
		catch (false)
	rollout params "Parameters" 
		spinner ui_radius1 "Radius 1: " type:#worldUnits range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,0]
		spinner ui_radius2 "Radius 2: " type:#worldUnits range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_height "Height: " type:#worldUnits range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,2]
		spinner ui_bias "Height Bias: " type:#float range:[-1,1,0] scale:0.01 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_biasPower "Bias Power: " range:[1,100,0] type:#float scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2] tooltip:"Bias Power"
		spinner ui_heightsegs "Height Segments: " type:#integer range:[1,256,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,4]
		spinner ui_capsegs "Cap Segments: " type:#integer range:[1,256,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,0]
		spinner ui_sides "Sides: " type:#integer range:[3,256,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,0]
		checkbox ui_smooth "Smooth" align:#left offset:[83,4]
		checkbox ui_sliceOn "Slice On" align:#left offset:[83,2]
		spinner ui_sliceFrom "Slice From: " type:#float enabled:sliceOn range:[-1e9,1e9,0] scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,0]
		spinner ui_sliceTo "Slice To: " type:#float enabled:sliceOn range:[-1e9,1e9,0] scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		checkbox ui_mapCoords "Generate Mapping Coords." align:#left offset:[-8,4]
		checkbox ui_realWorldMapSize "Real-World map Size" align:#left offset:[-8,0]
	on buildmesh do 
		fn fastValue f bias:0.0 power:1 = 
			if bias < 0 then 1 - (pow (1 - f) (1 - power*bias)) else (pow f (1 + power*bias))

		if coneobject == undefined do coneobject = createinstance cone 
		coneobject.radius1 = radius1	
		coneobject.radius2 = radius2
		coneobject.height = height
		coneobject.heightsegs = heightsegs	
		coneobject.capsegs = capsegs
		coneobject.sides = sides
		coneobject.smooth = smooth	
		coneobject.sliceOn = sliceOn	
		coneobject.sliceFrom = sliceFrom
		coneobject.sliceTo = sliceTo	
		coneobject.mapCoords = mapCoords
		coneobject.realWorldMapSize = realWorldMapSize
		mesh = coneobject.mesh
		for k=1.0 to heightsegs-1 do
			ss = if sliceOn then (sides+2) else sides
			s = (k*ss+2) + (capsegs-1)*ss
			e = ((k+1)*ss+1) + (capsegs-1)*ss 
			verts = #{s..e}
			z = height*(fastValue (k/heightsegs) bias:bias power:biasPower)
			for v in verts do 
				p = getvert mesh v
				setvert mesh v [p.x,p.y,z]
		update mesh
	tool create
		on mousePoint click do case click of
			1: nodeTM.translation = gridPoint
			4: #stop
		on mouseMove click do case click of
			2: radius1 = amax (abs gridDist.x) (abs gridDist.y)
			3: height = gridDist.z
			4: radius2 = amax (abs gridDist.x) (abs gridDist.y)

That is pretty slick.
I’ll have to play around with it and see what I can learn from it in how you are making an arch.

Adjust the span and the height then run

delete objects
span = 200.0 
height = 30.0
h = 1.0/2.0*(span)
a = -(height) / ((span - h)^2) -- equation to get a

for i = 0.0 to span by 5.0 do
	x = i --distance out from center
	arch = (a*((x - h)^2)) + height
	b= box height:2.0 width:2.0 length:2.0 wirecolor:[1*i,120,120] pos:[i/(2),0,arch]

new version includes Radius Bias

/* denisT collection 2013 */

plugin simpleObject ConePlus name:"ConePlus"
classID:#(0x00001967, 0x1023099b)
category:"Standard Plus" 
	local coneobject 
	parameters params rollout:params
		radius1 type:#worldUnits default:0 ui:ui_radius1
		radius2 type:#worldUnits default:0 ui:ui_radius2
		radiusBias type:#float default:0 ui:ui_radiusBias
		radiusBiasPower type:#float default:10 ui:ui_radiusBiasPower

		height type:#worldUnits default:0 ui:ui_height
		heightBias type:#float default:0 ui:ui_heightBias
		heightBiasPower type:#float default:10 ui:ui_heightBiasPower

		heightsegs type:#integer default:1 ui:ui_heightsegs
		capsegs type:#integer default:1 ui:ui_capsegs
		sides type:#integer default:16 ui:ui_sides
		smooth type:#boolean default:on ui:ui_smooth
		sliceOn type:#boolean default:off ui:ui_sliceOn
		sliceFrom type:#float default:0 ui:ui_sliceFrom 
		sliceTo type:#float default:0 ui:ui_sliceTo
		mapCoords type:#boolean default:on ui:ui_mapCoords
		realWorldMapSize type:#boolean default:off ui:ui_realWorldMapSize 

		on sliceOn get val do try
			this.params.ui_sliceFrom.enabled = this.params.ui_sliceTo.enabled = val
		catch (false)
	rollout params "Parameters" 
		spinner ui_radius1 "Radius 1: " type:#worldUnits range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,0]
		spinner ui_radius2 "Radius 2: " type:#worldUnits range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_radiusBias "Radius Bias: " type:#float range:[-1,1,0] scale:0.01 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_radiusBiasPower "Radius Power: " range:[1,100,0] type:#float scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_height "Height: " type:#worldUnits range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,6]
		spinner ui_heightBias "Height Bias: " type:#float range:[-1,1,0] scale:0.01 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_heightBiasPower "Height Power: " range:[1,100,0] type:#float scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_heightsegs "Height Segments: " type:#integer range:[1,256,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,6]
		spinner ui_capsegs "Cap Segments: " type:#integer range:[1,256,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_sides "Sides: " type:#integer range:[3,256,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		checkbox ui_smooth "Smooth" align:#left offset:[83,6]
		checkbox ui_sliceOn "Slice On" align:#left offset:[83,2]
		spinner ui_sliceFrom "Slice From: " type:#float enabled:sliceOn range:[-1e9,1e9,0] scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,0]
		spinner ui_sliceTo "Slice To: " type:#float enabled:sliceOn range:[-1e9,1e9,0] scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		checkbox ui_mapCoords "Generate Mapping Coords." align:#left offset:[-8,4]
		checkbox ui_realWorldMapSize "Real-World map Size" align:#left offset:[-8,0]
	fn domesh = 
		fn fastValue f heightBias:0.0 power:1 = 
			if heightBias < 0 then 1 - (pow (1 - f) (1 - power*heightBias)) else (pow f (1 + power*heightBias))

		if coneobject == undefined do coneobject = createinstance cone 
		coneobject.radius1 = radius1	
		coneobject.radius2 = radius2
		coneobject.height = height
		coneobject.heightsegs = heightsegs	
		coneobject.capsegs = capsegs
		coneobject.sides = sides
		coneobject.smooth = smooth	
		coneobject.sliceOn = sliceOn	
		coneobject.sliceFrom = sliceFrom
		coneobject.sliceTo = sliceTo	
		coneobject.mapCoords = mapCoords
		coneobject.realWorldMapSize = realWorldMapSize
		mesh = coneobject.mesh
		for k=1.0 to heightsegs-1 do
			f = k/heightsegs
			ss = if sliceOn then (sides+2) else sides
			s = (k*ss+2) + (capsegs-1)*ss
			e = ((k+1)*ss+1) + (capsegs-1)*ss 
			verts = #{s..e}
			r = radius1 + (radius2 - radius1)*(fastValue f heightBias:radiusBias power:radiusBiasPower)
			h = height*(fastValue f heightBias:heightBias power:heightBiasPower)

			for v in verts do 
				d = getvert mesh v
				p = (normalize [d.x,d.y,0])*r
				setvert mesh v [p.x,p.y,h]
		update mesh
	on buildmesh do domesh()

	tool create
		on mousePoint click do case click of
			1: nodeTM.translation = gridPoint
			4: #stop
		on mouseMove click do case click of
			2: radius1 = amax (abs gridDist.x) (abs gridDist.y)
			3: height = gridDist.z
			4: radius2 = amax (abs gridDist.x) (abs gridDist.y)
	on update do domesh()

If radius2 = 0.0 it should weld all the center verts. Rather than having them all sit ontop of one another.

1 Reply
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

i don’t think so. it should behave the same way as cone
there is a new version (i fixed topology issue when slice was on)

/* denisT collection 2013 */

plugin simpleObject ConePlus name:"ConePlus"
classID:#(0x00001967, 0x1023099b)
category:"Standard Plus" 
	local coneobject 
	parameters params rollout:params
		radius1 type:#worldUnits default:0 ui:ui_radius1
		radius2 type:#worldUnits default:0 ui:ui_radius2
		radiusBias type:#float default:0 ui:ui_radiusBias
		radiusBiasPower type:#float default:10 ui:ui_radiusBiasPower

		height type:#worldUnits default:0 ui:ui_height
		heightBias type:#float default:0 ui:ui_heightBias
		heightBiasPower type:#float default:10 ui:ui_heightBiasPower

		heightsegs type:#integer default:1 ui:ui_heightsegs
		sides type:#integer default:16 ui:ui_sides

		capsOn type:#boolean default:on ui:ui_capsOn
		capsegs type:#integer default:1 ui:ui_capsegs

		smooth type:#boolean default:on ui:ui_smooth
		sliceOn type:#boolean default:off ui:ui_sliceOn
		sliceFrom type:#float default:0 ui:ui_sliceFrom 
		sliceTo type:#float default:0 ui:ui_sliceTo
		mapCoords type:#boolean default:on ui:ui_mapCoords
		realWorldMapSize type:#boolean default:off ui:ui_realWorldMapSize 

		on capsOn get val do 
			try(this.params.ui_capsegs.enabled = val) catch (false)
		on sliceOn get val do 
			try(this.params.ui_sliceFrom.enabled = this.params.ui_sliceTo.enabled = val) catch (false)
	rollout params "Parameters" 
		spinner ui_radius1 "Bottom Radius: " type:#worldUnits range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,0]
		spinner ui_radius2 "Top Radius: " type:#worldUnits range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_radiusBias "Radius Bias: " type:#float range:[-1,1,0] scale:0.01 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_radiusBiasPower "Radius Power: " range:[1,100,0] type:#float scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_height "Height: " type:#worldUnits range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,6]
		spinner ui_heightBias "Height Bias: " type:#float range:[-1,1,0] scale:0.01 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_heightBiasPower "Height Power: " range:[1,100,0] type:#float scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_heightsegs "Height Segments: " type:#integer range:[1,256,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,6]
		spinner ui_sides "Sides: " type:#integer range:[3,256,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]

		checkbox ui_capsOn "Caps On" align:#left offset:[83,4]
		spinner ui_capsegs "Cap Segments: " type:#integer enabled:capsOn range:[1,256,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,0]
		checkbox ui_smooth "Smooth" align:#left offset:[83,6]
		checkbox ui_sliceOn "Slice On" align:#left offset:[83,2]
		spinner ui_sliceFrom "Slice From: " type:#float enabled:sliceOn range:[-1e9,1e9,0] scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,0]
		spinner ui_sliceTo "Slice To: " type:#float enabled:sliceOn range:[-1e9,1e9,0] scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		checkbox ui_mapCoords "Generate Mapping Coords." align:#left offset:[-8,4]
		checkbox ui_realWorldMapSize "Real-World map Size" align:#left offset:[-8,0]
	fn domesh = 
		fn fastValue f heightBias:0.0 power:1 = 
			if heightBias < 0 then 1 - (pow (1 - f) (1 - power*heightBias)) else (pow f (1 + power*heightBias))

		if coneobject == undefined do coneobject = createinstance cone 
		coneobject.radius1 = radius1	
		coneobject.radius2 = radius2
		coneobject.height = height
		coneobject.heightsegs = heightsegs	
		coneobject.capsegs = capsegs
		coneobject.sides = sides
		coneobject.smooth = smooth	
		coneobject.sliceOn = sliceOn	
		coneobject.sliceFrom = sliceFrom
		coneobject.sliceTo = sliceTo	
		coneobject.mapCoords = mapCoords
		coneobject.realWorldMapSize = realWorldMapSize
		mesh = coneobject.mesh
		for v=1 to mesh.numverts do 
			d = getvert mesh v
			if d.z > 0 and d.z < height do
				f = d.z/height
				h = height*(fastValue f heightBias:heightBias power:heightBiasPower)
				if (r = length [d.x,d.y,0]) > 0 do
					f = (r-radius1)/(radius2-radius1)
					r = radius1 + (radius2-radius1)*(fastValue f heightBias:radiusBias power:radiusBiasPower)
				p = (normalize [d.x,d.y,0])*r
				setvert mesh v [p.x,p.y,h]
		if not capsOn do 
			faces = #{}
			for f=1 to mesh.numfaces do faces[f] = (getfacematid mesh f != 3)
			meshop.deletefaces mesh faces
		update mesh
	on buildmesh do domesh()

	tool create
		on mousePoint click do case click of
			1: nodeTM.translation = gridPoint
			4: #stop
		on mouseMove click do case click of
			2: radius1 = amax (abs gridDist.x) (abs gridDist.y)
			3: height = gridDist.z
			4: radius2 = amax (abs gridDist.x) (abs gridDist.y)
	on update do domesh()

could always make it an option.

Here is some additional fun…radial noise controls.
You’ll see I commented out some code I had implemented to resemble what you had there, but it kept throwing errors when it was un-commented.

Anywho it works great. Fun to mess with.

plugin simpleObject ConePlus name:"ConePlus"
classID:#(0x00001967, 0x1023099b)
category:"Standard Plus" 
	local coneobject 
	parameters params rollout:params
		radius1 type:#worldUnits default:0 ui:ui_radius1
		radius2 type:#worldUnits default:0 ui:ui_radius2
		radiusBias type:#float default:0 ui:ui_radiusBias
		radiusBiasPower type:#float default:10 ui:ui_radiusBiasPower
		noiseFrequency type:#float default:1 animatable:off ui:ui_noiseFrequency
		noisePhase type:#float default:0 animatable:off ui:ui_noisePhase
		noiseScale type:#float default:1 animatable:off ui:ui_noiseScale
		height type:#worldUnits default:0 ui:ui_height
		heightBias type:#float default:0 ui:ui_heightBias
		heightBiasPower type:#float default:10 ui:ui_heightBiasPower
		heightsegs type:#integer default:1 ui:ui_heightsegs
		capsegs type:#integer default:1 ui:ui_capsegs
		sides type:#integer default:16 ui:ui_sides
		smooth type:#boolean default:on ui:ui_smooth
		sliceOn type:#boolean default:off ui:ui_sliceOn
		sliceFrom type:#float default:0 ui:ui_sliceFrom 
		sliceTo type:#float default:0 ui:ui_sliceTo
		mapCoords type:#boolean default:on ui:ui_mapCoords
		realWorldMapSize type:#boolean default:off ui:ui_realWorldMapSize 
		on sliceOn get val do try
			this.params.ui_sliceFrom.enabled = this.params.ui_sliceTo.enabled = val
		catch (false)
	rollout params "Parameters" 
		spinner ui_radius1 "Radius 1: " type:#worldUnits range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,0]
		spinner ui_radius2 "Radius 2: " type:#worldUnits range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_radiusBias "Radius Bias: " type:#float range:[-1,1,0] scale:0.01 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_radiusBiasPower "Radius Power: " range:[1,100,0] type:#float scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_noiseScale "Noise Scale: " range:[-1e9,1e9,0] type:#float scale:0.01 fieldwidth:54 align:#right offset:[8,6] tooltip:"Noise Scale"
		spinner ui_noiseFrequency "Noise Frequency: " range:[0,1e9,0] type:#float scale:0.01 fieldwidth:54 align:#right offset:[8,-2] tooltip:"Noise Frequency" 
		spinner ui_noisePhase "Noise Phase: " range:[-1e9,1e9,0] type:#float scale:0.1 fieldwidth:54 align:#right offset:[8,-2] tooltip:"Noise Phase"
		spinner ui_height "Height: " type:#worldUnits range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,6]
		spinner ui_heightBias "Height Bias: " type:#float range:[-1,1,0] scale:0.01 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_heightBiasPower "Height Power: " range:[1,100,0] type:#float scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_heightsegs "Height Segments: " type:#integer range:[1,256,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,6]
		spinner ui_capsegs "Cap Segments: " type:#integer range:[1,256,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		spinner ui_sides "Sides: " type:#integer range:[3,256,0] fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		checkbox ui_smooth "Smooth" align:#left offset:[83,6]		
		checkbox ui_sliceOn "Slice On" align:#left offset:[83,2]
		spinner ui_sliceFrom "Slice From: " type:#float enabled:sliceOn range:[-1e9,1e9,0] scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,0]
		spinner ui_sliceTo "Slice To: " type:#float enabled:sliceOn range:[-1e9,1e9,0] scale:0.1 fieldwidth:52 align:#right offset:[8,-2]
		checkbox ui_mapCoords "Generate Mapping Coords." align:#left offset:[-8,4]
		checkbox ui_realWorldMapSize "Real-World map Size" align:#left offset:[-8,0]
	fn domesh = 
		fn fastValue f heightBias:0.0 power:1 = 
			if heightBias < 0 then 1 - (pow (1 - f) (1 - power*heightBias)) else (pow f (1 + power*heightBias))
		if coneobject == undefined do coneobject = createinstance cone 
		coneobject.radius1 = radius1	
		coneobject.radius2 = radius2
-- 		coneobject.noiseFrequency = noiseFrequency
-- 		coneobject.noisePhase = noisePhase
-- 		coneobject.noiseScale = noiseScale
		coneobject.height = height
		coneobject.heightsegs = heightsegs	
		coneobject.capsegs = capsegs
		coneobject.sides = sides
		coneobject.smooth = smooth	
		coneobject.sliceOn = sliceOn	
		coneobject.sliceFrom = sliceFrom
		coneobject.sliceTo = sliceTo	
		coneobject.mapCoords = mapCoords
		coneobject.realWorldMapSize = realWorldMapSize
		mesh = coneobject.mesh
		for k=1.0 to heightsegs-1 do
			f = k/heightsegs
			ss = if sliceOn then (sides+2) else sides
			s = (k*ss+2) + (capsegs-1)*ss
			e = ((k+1)*ss+1) + (capsegs-1)*ss 
			verts = #{s..e}
			noise = ((noise3 ([f*noiseFrequency,0,noisePhase]))*10*noiseScale)
			r = radius1 + (radius2 - radius1)*(fastValue f heightBias:radiusBias power:radiusBiasPower) + noise
			h = height*(fastValue f heightBias:heightBias power:heightBiasPower)
			print noise	
			for v in verts do 
				d = getvert mesh v
				p = (normalize [d.x,d.y,0])*r
				setvert mesh v [p.x,p.y,h]
		update mesh
	on buildmesh do domesh()

	tool create
		on mousePoint click do case click of
			1: nodeTM.translation = gridPoint
			4: #stop
		on mouseMove click do case click of
			2: radius1 = amax (abs gridDist.x) (abs gridDist.y)
			3: height = gridDist.z
			4: radius2 = amax (abs gridDist.x) (abs gridDist.y)
	on update do domesh()

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