[Closed] Bones size
Hello all!
Is there any way to get bones size with script? Normally I get size by reading min and max parameters from node, but in bones case those two parameters have same value 🙁
Ok. I just found out than I use bones what are class “Bone” not “BoneGeometry” like they shoud be. Now my problem is how I can convert “Bone” type to “BoneGeometry” type?
For everyones to know. I am stupid . Loop all bones take bone position and take current bone parent bone position and you have size of bone. AAAAAAARRRR! And I send two days to try to find some way to read bone size before I think this.
and the child!
and, wait for it…
don’t forget you can use
show $bone02
when you need to get an objects properties.
frustrating when everything is right under your nose!
Would be what I normally use, but (ofcourse there was but) that wount work with node what class is “Bone”. That is somekind of legacy bone or something I don’t even know how to create those but script what I had made those. Anyway I get round it and script working fine now.