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[Closed] bitmap and activex control in maxscript

I’ve posted a thread a few days ago about displaying a bitmap in a rollout without a border.
An answer was to use an activex control to do it and it seems to me that’s the good way.
Problem is, i can’t find any simple control to do this.

Do someone know which control is available to diaplay a simple bmp file in a rollout ?


6 Replies

im not sure exactly what you’re trying to accomplish, but you could look into “Imgtag” check the MXS help for what it does. If im not mistaken, you will get a border on whatever activeX control you use anyway? but i might have just mis-understood you.

I’ve tried the imgtag and it works… but the quality of the dispalyed bitmap is degraded comparing with the use of the bitmap properties.

So I sum up :
1st way :

imgtag bmp1 bitmap: (bitmap 150 150)
on myrollout open do
bmp1.bitmap = (openBitmap “C:\Program Files\3dsmax 7\UI\MacroScripts\mybitmap.bmp”)

—> works well (I got no border around the bitmap), but quality is ugly…

2nd way:

bitmap bmp1 bitmap: (bitmap 150 150)
on myrollout open do
bmp1.bitmap = (openBitmap “C:\Program Files\3dsmax 7\UI\MacroScripts\mybitmap.bmp”)

—> quality is ok, but i got the border around the bitmap and i don’t want it.

Someone can help ?

Ok, find my solution. The problem of “quality” using imgtag was linked to the transparent property which is set by default to 0 0 0 (perfect black) and i was using this color.

Thanks again

glad you sorted it out.

i tried the 3 methods being mentioned on this thread…

rollout mytest "mytest"
local bmppath = "D:\galagast.jpg" -- rename this to your bitmap path
local mybmp = openbitmap bmppath
imgtag test_tag "map" bitmap:mybmp transparent:blue enabled:false
button press_bot "PRESS" pos:[5,10]
activexcontrol test_acx "D:\galagast.jpg" width:120 height:120 pos:[0,100]
button test_bot width:100 height:100 images:#(bmppath,undefined,1,1,1,1,1)
createdialog mytest 120 340

i had a couple of questions tho…

  • i wonder if there’s a way to disable the transparency in the ImgTag.
    (good thing about this is you could place a button on top of it if its disabled.)

  • is thera a way to use a variable (containing the string) for an ActiveX control?

  • (an advantage to this, i guess, is that you could drag the activeX image on to your scene or material editor)

  • is there a way to offset the image inside activeX? (just as pudgerboy mention, we’d get a border around activeX)

  • a double right click seems to open-up my browser

  • (no problems with button images so far)

there myt be other ways or workarounds out there…

ugly fix but i tried just putting a groupbox over the bitmap to hide the bevel.

rollout test “test” width:100 height:188
bitmap thingy “” pos:[10,7] width:80 height:84 fileName:“test.jpg”
GroupBox grp1 “” pos:[10,1] width:80 height:90

createdialog test 100 100

ugly – yes
works – sort of :shrug: