[Closed] Biped Figure Mode
Does anybody know how to activate the Figure Mode on a Biped?
This is what i’ve tried but it doesn’t work.
bool BipedFigureMode(INode* node, bool state) {
if (node->IsRootNode()) return false;
Control* c = node->GetTMController();
if ((c->ClassID() == BIPSLAVE_CONTROL_CLASS_ID) ||
(c->ClassID() == FOOTPRINT_CLASS_ID)) {
IBipedExport *iBiped =(IBipedExport *)c->GetInterface(I_BIPINTERFACE);
if (iBiped) {
if (state) iBiped->BeginFigureMode(1);
else iBiped->EndFigureMode(1);
Control* iMaster = (Control *) c->GetInterface(I_MASTER);
iMaster->NotifyDependents(FOREVER, PART_TM, REFMSG_CHANGE);
return true;
return false;
Hope this helps.
-- Creates a Biped and sets it in Figue Mode
myBiped = biped.CreateNew 72 -90 [0,0,69] neckLinks:2 spineLinks:5 fingers:5 \
fingerLinks:3 toes:5 toeLinks:3 forearmTwistLinks:4
newBip = myBiped.transform.controller
newBip.figureMode = True --Figure Mode On
newBip.bodyType = 3
max motion mode
select myBiped
A useful little toggle script I wrote:
– figure mode toggle
biped_ctrl=$char.controller – $char is my root bone, any will do
– get curent mode
cmode = biped_ctrl.figureMode
– toggle it
if cmode == true then (biped_ctrl.figureMode= false)
else (biped_ctrl.figureMode= true)
I saved this as figtoggle.ms in my scripts folder, then embedded it into the UI so I can always access it with a quick button press.
Nice little script, may i point out that:
if cmode == true then (biped_ctrl.figureMode= false)
else (biped_ctrl.figureMode= true)
Could have be written as:
biped_ctrl.figureMode = (not cmode)
or if you want to get really anal
biped_ctrl.figureMode = (not biped_ctrl.figureMode)
I know, it’s petty, but it will make the script faster and easier to read from a logical point of view…but you know what they say, if it ain’t broke…