[Closed] Biped Bone to Drive Morph Value
Hello everyone, I would request help regarding issue about expressions. I own supremely low amount of knowledge about expressions, and I have gotten this far with the help of a friend. My problem is as following:
I have Morpher-modifier in one object, with two objects in the Morpher-stack. The form which represents the starting form, and the form which represents the ending form. My goal would be to be able to drive the Morpher evolution by rotating a bone (at this point the bone is Bip01 R Finger). I have got into the Parameter Wiring window, and set the Biped finger bone rotation value to Bezier Float, as also is the Morpher in Bezier Float. I have given to understand that there is certain formula to guide the bone to drive the Morpher values, which should be something like this:
100/(the angle from which the bone begins rotation-the angle to where the bone ends rotation)
And the resulting value of this formula should be placed to this formula (Z_Rotation-the angle from which the bone begins rotation)*1,33(result value placed from first calculation, for example)
But frankly, I do not have any idea as to in what form the formula should be insterted into the parameter window?
Thank you for help.
have u used the “script controller ” in scene ? it is more powerful than link parameters .
I think the link parameter is the simple version of script controller . Max have a trigger to run them when u change any parameters of a Object .
lets try using a bone .
make a bone , open the animation controller panel , open asign controller , select a controller u may not change frequently , for example , the scale channel . set the controller to ” scale script ” . then , a panel pop up , look at the expression text input area , the last line [1,1,1] is the result of the controller, so , we keep it . insert any script code before the result . in this example :
print " i can do anything here , the trigger will call me "
another example :
make a box , name is : box01
change the code to :
$box01.width +=0.01
move or rotate the bone , see what happend .
mostly , we use a “list ” controller to contain the maxscript controller , list controller makes easy to composite all sub_controllers in its scope .