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[Closed] biginer help

Hi I’m truing to learn max script for rigging complex characters , but i cant get along with max.
I don’t know how you can put events , for example i want a box to have the exact position with another object, but only using max script, its not so hard , i hope its not so hard.
Another example , the only way i found to user events its something like this:
when select $sphere01 changes do


deselect $sphere01

select $sphere02

but the problem with this is that max scene doesnt save “when” commands.
If somebody know a tutorial or something script that interacts with the users pleas let me know

4 Replies

Create Callbacks:

when select $objects changes id:#MyCallback do
if $sphere01.isSelected do
deselect $sphere01
select $sphere02

Remove Callbacks:

deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#MyCallback

thanks MerlinEl

can you tell me if Callbacks are the only way to check human interaction , of course by script


I know these methods:


fn redrawviews_p = print “Viewports Redrawn”
registerRedrawViewsCallback redrawviews_p
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback redrawviews_p

end_operation = 50
while end_operation > 0 do
end_operation -= 1
print “progress”


when select $objects changes id:#MyCallback do
if $sphere01.isSelected do
deselect $sphere01
select $sphere02


callbacks.addScript #nodeHide “my_function()” id:#mYFu
callbacks.addScript #nodeUnhide “my_function()” id:#mYFu

callbacks.removeScripts id:#mYFu


god luck Juako

thanks MerlinEl!!!