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[Closed] Best alternative to appdata?


Hey all,

I’m looking into storing some arbitrary data on an objects subanim.
Appdata is perfect and works great and is all I need, but(!) appdata buffers are totally cleared when you duplicate an object. And surely I need the data to be persistent.
I’m looking into custom attributes and notetracks. The thing is an object can end up with 20 or more subanims “tagged”, in a rig that can add up quickly to 500 nodes or so. Will so many ca’s or notetracks bog down Max?


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using of a notetrack only makes sense if you need to store a data with time. i prefer a CA. if you have to add many tags to a node it doesn’t mean you have to create many CAs. i had a project where i was storing a big chunk of data in one string parameter of a CA in XML format. i can say that the CA is very friendly thing, it works well with any max object, and it’s very stable.


Thanks Denis,
I’m looking for a way to tag controllers or tracks I want to store and restore animation data on.
I’m now thinking to either tag the controllers with a CA or have one CA with referenced controllers (maxObjectTab) in them.

What would you prefer when dealing with animated properties?
A central place or traversal of the rig?

The thing is I’m still working on a script that would allow me to update an asset an keep the animation. I would like to accommodate the fact people can change a controller type or use something like a list controller.
So my plan is to “tag” all “base” controllers, where ever they may be and when it’s time to update the asset copy/instance the controllers over to the merged asset and delete the old asset.

For simple things max has great out of the box solutions but with nested controllers and layered system + procedural controllers a lot of though and manual labor is needed. Which is fine as long as it’s possible. But I would have loved it if max had controllers that where more like CAT or puppetshop maybe, possible to add meta data and “inheritance”. So a rig could be a more like a system. If maxscript would allow subclassing of maxwrapper objects, that would be awesome!


what do you mean by ‘allow subclassing’?


Like a scripted modifier or material, with a scripted controller that extends an existing controller you could add extra paramaters to make a “system” happen. Subclassing/extending sortof thing. I never understood why we could have scripted modifiers but not controllers.


i see your going in right direction. the true XRef animation system in the max is the thing that i was dreaming for many years. unfortunately it will never happen.
so … i’m making my own. i can’t tell any details… but as i said, you are going in the right direction. and i wish you luck


I can’t see this happening without the SDK, right.
Not to thrilled to take that on.