[Closed] batch Bitmaptexture Generate empty jpg file
HI all
After run the script ,Generate empty jpg file.for example,I have a multimaterial , it Contain material[1]、material[2]、material[3]、material[4],material[1].name is water,material[2].name is wood,material[3].name is Material #30,material[3].name is Material #31,There is two files under c:,water.jpg and wood.jpg,But after run the script
Contain two empty jpg file, Material #30.jpg andMaterial #31.jpg.I can not find a solution
Hope helps, thanks!
curSelection = ($Selection) as array
for o in curSelection do
if classof o.material == multimaterial do
for i = 1 to o.material.count do
TheMat = multimaterial()
o.material[i].diffusemap = bitmapTexture()
lh = o.material[i].name
o.material[i].diffuseMap = Bitmaptexture fileName:("C:\\" + lh + ".jpg")
You can remove the o.material[i].diffusemap = bitmapTexture() line as you do that again 2 lines down.
You need to use some sort of if, case, or other test expression to ensure that only the “Wood” and “Water” materials get the bitmaps. Your current code creates a diffusemap for every material where the bitmap filename is equal to the name of the material. Something like this:
curSelection = ($Selection) as array
for o in curSelection do
if classof o.material == multimaterial do
for i = 1 to o.material.count do
TheMat = multimaterial()
lh = o.material[i].name if (lh == "wood") or (lh == "water") do ( o.material[i].diffuseMap.filename = ("C:\\" + lh + ".jpg") ) ) )
This approach can solve the problem temporarily,But if c:\ have four hundred jpg files
I will write if (lh == “wood”),if (lh == “wood”),if (lh == ” “)…,Too much trouble,Do have a better solution ?
For support of an arbitrary number of files you may want to replace the name test with a doesFileExist test. Basically you check to see if the map exist, if true you continue on with your diffusemap assignment:
curSelection = ($Selection) as array
for o in curSelection do
if classof o.material == multimaterial do
for i = 1 to o.material.count do
TheMat = multimaterial()
lh = o.material[i].name
bMap = ("C:\\" + lh + ".jpg")
if (doesFileExist bMap == true) do
o.material[i].diffuseMap = Bitmaptexture fileName:bMap
[left]Thanks [left]PiXeL_MoNKeY, You helped me a great.[/left][/left]