[Closed] Backburner include maps woes
I've got a very simple scene and I'm using the code below to submit it to backburner.
The job submits properly, shows up in the monitor and the remote machine successfully receives the job and launches max, but I always get...
ERR Error message: Map file C:\Temp\MaxFiles est.jpg is missing. ; Render failed
test.jpg does exist but, it seems, includeMaps doesn't.
We've done a lot of backburnering using manual submitting and include maps has always worked fine. I doubt this is a backburner bug (it looks like other people have success with this method). Maybe there's something strange about our network? Does anyone have any suggestions of things to try?
I'm using winXP SP3, max 2009 SP1 and BB 2008.1.
BBManager = netrender.getmanager()
connection = BBManager.connect #automatic ""
if connection then
job = BBManager.newjob file:@"C:\Temp\MaxFiles\renderTest.max"
job.includeMaps = true
It seems that the jpg isn't being added to the zip that gets sent to the remote machine. Oddly though, the xml file has <MapsIncluded>Yes</MapsIncluded>.
Very confused now :o(
Maybe the filePath formatting is not right? Normally in maxscript you want to use \ instead of \ for filepaths, and you don’t need the @. So the line:
job = BBManager.newjob file:@“C:\Temp\MaxFiles\renderTest.max”
should be:
job = BBManager.newjob file:“C:\Temp\MaxFiles\renderTest.max”
Not sure if it will help, but I can’t really think of anything else…
The @ was a new feature in 2008:
File Path Name Strings
File path name strings use the backslash character to separate a parent directory from its sub-directory. The backslash is used as an escape character, therefore file path names specified in a string should use the escape character sequence for a single “” character, i.e., “\”, or specify the string as verbatim using the @ character introduced in 3ds Max 2008 (see further on this page)
Verbatim String Literals
NEW in 3ds Max 2008: Verbatim string literals added to MAXScript in 3ds Max 2008 are prefixed by the ‘@’ character and are NOT expanded even if containing backslash escape character sequences like ’ ‘, ’
’ or ‘\r’.
It allows you to specify a path without the need of the \ or / for a backslash.