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[Closed] backburner command-line


2012 design

"c:\program files\autodesk\3ds max design 2012\3dsmaxcmd" -submit:theIPaddressOfServer -jobName="theJobName" -o="\\ServerName\ShareName\ImageName_.png" -cam="CameraName" -w=ImageWidth -h=ImageHeight -frames=theFirstFrametoRender-theLastFrametoRender "\\ServerName\ShareName	heMaxFile.max"

save as .bat > execute


As I mention before, I want to render ActiveTimeRange!

How you get “theFirstFrametoRender” or “theFirstFrametoRender” without opening the max file?

1 Reply
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

I just re-read this, when you run the batch you never open the file. I am having a hard time understanding what you want.

Paste the string in a text file, save as .bat, fill in your own values, save, double click the bat file, it renders to backburner.


Is the best I got dude. good luck


I think problem is from 3dsmax file properties, there is an wrong Animation Start and Animation End properties! , backburner gets properties from can test this code:

-- Perform a scene hold to update the Contents set.

max hold


-- Get all properties

pages = #(#summary, #contents, #custom)

for pg in pages do


format "--- % ---
" (pg as string)

for i=1 to (fileProperties.getNumProperties pg) do


local pname = (fileProperties.getPropertyName pg i)

local pval = (fileProperties.getPropertyValue pg i)

format "	% : " pname

if (pname == "Headers") then


format "

for hdr in pval do


format "		%
" hdr

local docs = fileProperties.getItems hdr

if docs != undefined then

for d in docs do format "			%
" d



else format " %
" pval


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