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[Closed] Automatic Weighting Tools?

As I mentioned some days ago, using a sliced mesh as deformers using Skin Wrap gives you nice results, and it can be considered an automatic way to weight vertices after you convert that modifier to Skin. But it would be nice to see other ways around to automate things I’m using this for the last 4 characters I worked on and it’s a pretty nice start for skinning, although if I have time I prefer to work with vertices from scratch (I rarely use envelopes).

One thing I think it’d be very useful is a ‘lock weights’ tool, so you can transfer weights from one bone to another without reseting them


Here you go:

Basically Atlas skinning. Not musch support for attachments etc…

Amazing, eek, thanks a lot!
I’ll print it out and make it my bedtime reading for tonight.


great article, I think I’ll give it definitely a try. So here is my first general MXS question:
Is there any chance you can access the color of an edge?
I mean: Is there something like a way to highlight edges in a distinct color like the “Create Pelt-Seam”-Command does?

Or viceversa: Does anyone know how the edges are normally highlighted, when you select them for example?

Cheers “ko’gen”.

What you want is bone heat for max.

Bone heat in Blender is a skinning methods that gives really good results by default. I’ll let the blender people provide you with all the info.


This is a little off-topic but did an alternative to skinning. it worked in a similiar fashion to skinwrap but was much more flexible and gave what I thought was a great way of working.Shame it was discontinued…especially as I bought it. oh well.

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