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[Closed] automatic max files render


thank you guys for being here. i found your website thorugh google and i like it.
i am very beginner of MAX, and i want to ask a question:
i have about one hundered MAX files to be rendered as soon as possible. and none of them need customization… it is just rendering. i hate to watch progress bars going left and right… i just want to know if there any way to do a script for open each file and do RENDER for it? that would be perefect and let my dirt work done while i am asleep!

2 Replies

There is an application which I can’t remember the name of it but it’s a 3DS Max file batch renderer. Which does just that. If you could find it. That would be the easiest method.

I’m also pretty sure someone posted a script about 8 months ago here which is already written. Try looking for that as well.

Batchrenderer, Backburner or 3dsmaxcmd.exe.
Pick one.