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[Closed] auto baking script won't work


I assembled a script that should output me for each frame and each object a lightmap bake and a rendering in which the object is alone:

fn renderLightmap obj currentMapType Xsize Ysize channel fullFileName =
	fPath=getFilenamePath fullFileName
	fName=getFilenameFile fullFileName
	fType=getFilenameType fullFileName
	bi = obj.INodeBakeProperties
	bi.addBakeElement currentMapType
	bi.bakeEnabled = true
	bi.nDilations = 12
	bm = bitmap Xsize Ysize gamma:g filename:(fPath+fName+fType)
	render rendertype:#bakeSelected outputwidth:Xsize outputheight:Ysize vfb:false to:bm
	save bm
	close bm
	bi.bakeEnabled = false

	format "rendering node:% channel:%
" bi.bakeChannel

fn renderAlone obj Xsize Ysize fullFileName =
	fPath=getFilenamePath fullFileName
	fName=getFilenameFile fullFileName
	fType=getFilenameType fullFileName
	allObjects = Geometry
	allObjects.primaryVisibility = False
	obj.primaryVisibility = True
	bm = bitmap Xsize Ysize gamma:g filename:(fPath+fName+fType)
	render outputwidth:Xsize outputheight:Ysize vfb:false to:bm
	save bm
	close bm
	allObjects.primaryVisibility = True

macroScript bakeSelected category: "AutoRender"
	t = sliderTime
	--bake map
		print ("baking "+selection[1].name)
		alightMap = LightingMap()
		renderLightmap selection[1] alightMap 128 128 1 ("C:\	mp\\"+selection[1].name+"_unwrap_f"+(t as string)+".tga")

	 print "finished baking"
	--render object alone
		print ("rendering "+selection[1].name)
		renderAlone selection[1] 640 480 ("C:\	mp\\"+selection[1].name+"_single_f"+(t as string)+".tga")

macroScript bakeAll category: "AutoRender"
	 for t = animationrange.start to animationrange.end do
			sliderTime = t
		    --bake map
			for obj in Geometry do(
				print ("baking "
				alightMap = LightingMap()
				renderLightmap obj alightMap 128 128 1 ("C:\	mp\\""_unwrap_f"+(t as string)+".tga")
	 print "finished baking"
	for t = animationrange.start to animationrange.end do
			--render object alone
			for obj in Geometry do(
				print ("rendering "
				renderAlone obj 640 480 ("C:\	mp\\""_single_f"+(t as string)+".tga")

now – the strange thing is, bakeSelected works fine – but bakeAll outputs only black images. any idea why??