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[Closed] attaching mesh based name selection

Hi all, i have just writen a script that creates a mesh where a point helper is and then puts and attachment constaint on a new point helper and then links the original point helper to the new one. the point of this is so i can used skin morph to control these points. the problem i am haveing is trying to get all the new meshes to attach and then make all the points attach to the correct face. unfortunaly when i use the attach function it dosnt seem to work in the right order. what should be hapening is the face# should corispond with the point object in the newpoint helper array.

anyway i seem to be missing somthing so if anyone can see anything obvious or if there is a better way of doing this please let me know.



heres the code- make afew point helpers and run the script on the selection.

myFaces=#()--array of face box objects made
 fn makeMesh myHelp =
 	--creates the box and recentres it
 	myboxsize = myHelp.size/2
 	print myboxsize
 	mynewbox = Box lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 heightsegs:1 length:myboxsize width:myboxsize height:myboxsize 
 	CenterPivot mynewbox	
 	mynewbox.transform = myHelp.transform
 	convertto mynewbox editable_mesh 
 	--creates the box newface and deletes old
 	myverts = #(2,6,7)
 	mydelFaces = #{1..12}
 	meshop.createPolygon mynewbox myverts
 	meshop.deleteFaces mynewbox mydelFaces
 	append myPointArrays mynewPoint
 	append myFaces mynewbox --adds new object to the array for later use
 for myHelp in selection do
 	makeMesh myHelp
 	if myFaces.count > 1 then --attaches all the newly created boxmeshes to the first mesh
 		newobj = myFaces.count
 		attach myFaces[1] myFaces[newobj]
 	--adds the position constain to the object and connects it all up
 	myboxsize = myhelp.size/2
 	myNewPoint = point size:myboxsize centermarker:off axistripod:off cross:off box:on
 	myNewPoint.wirecolor = color 0 0 0
 	myAttach = Attachment() 
 	myNewPoint.position.controller = myAttach 
 	theface = myFaces[1]
 	myAttach.node = theface 
 	addNewKey myAttach 0f 
 	theAKey = AttachCtrl.getKey myAttach 1 
 	theAKey.face = theface.mesh.numfaces  
 	theAKey.coord = [0.5,0.0] 
 	addNewKey myAttach 0f 
 	myhelp.parent = myNewPoint