[Closed] Attach Mesh problem – faces becomes flipped
Here is the problematic object(saved for 3ds max 2014): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1twy-qkIQ-1qtucRrexhIlqiPO4AuXZUx
Every time when I use this code all faces of the object are flipped.
em = Editable_Mesh()
obj = $Plane_001
meshop.Attach em obj
If I create a box, convert it to editable mesh and then Attach the Plane_001 the faces flips again.
Here is a gif image that shows what happens:
Does anyone know what is the reason for this, and how it can be fixed?
that’s the way the actual faces are arranged. the object has it’s normals specified in the other direction. Add an edit normals mod and reset the normals and all is revealed
Attach (like most of max) doesn’t support specified normals so they are removed hence the reveal.
Thank you.
Is there any way to find objects with such a normals, so only those objects to receive Edit Normals modifier?
But how the Edit Normals modifier know in which direction to turn the normals when the Reset button is pressed. In my case the selected normals are flipped(more or less).
it doesn’t it just restores the normals to match the face vert order… the explicit specified normals have been edited somewhere down the line to face the opposite direction.
New question – is it possible to force the object to use those normals instead of to reset them?
I don’t think so, not exactly, you could possibly change the underlying mesh to be more “correct” ie flipped. But Max always sets the object normals based on vert order and smoothing groups. Whether it’s possible to “render” specified normals to smoothing groups that give a close approximation I don’t know.