[Closed] Assign an image sequence to and object sequence?
Im wanting to find an easy way to assign an image sequence to a bunch of objects
One image per object:
001.jpg to object_001
002.jpg to object_002)
Thanks in advance people : )
----USER VARIABLES----------------
theFiles=getFiles (thePath+theKey)
for i = 1 to theFiles.count do append theFileNums (substituteString (getfilenamefile theFiles[i]) (trimRight (getfilenamefile theFiles[i]) "0123456789") "")
for o in objects where (matchpattern (tolower o.name) pattern:objectPattern) do
local oNum=formattedPrint ((substitutestring o.name (trimRight o.name "0123456789") "") as integer) format:"04d"
local bIndex=finditem theFileNums oNum
if bIndex > 0 do o.material=standardMaterial diffusemap:(bitmapTexture filename:(theFiles[bIndex])) name:(o.name)
here you go…
Fill out the info in the first 3 variables, should be rather self explanatory.
Haven’t tested it thoroughly, so let me know if it doesn’t work properly.
Here’s something I use for that sort of thing – it takes an array of images and creates a plane based on a few parameters- relative size, and which viewport to align to.
local PosOffset
SizeRatio - a float value to size the plane as a multiplier of the original map height
ViewportAlign - specify a number
fn MakeFlatObjects FullMapPath SizeRatio ViewportAlign =
BMopen = openBitMap FullMapPath
BMheight = BMopen.height
BMwidth = BMopen.width
BitmapTextMap = Bitmaptexture fileName:FullMapPath
MapName = getFilenameFile FullMapPath
OMap = StandardMaterial ()
OMap.name = MapName
OMap.twoSided = on
OMap.diffuseMap = BitmapTextMap
OMap.diffuseMap.name = MapName + "_DiffuseMap"
OMap.diffuseMap.monoOutput = 0
OMap.diffuseMap.rgbOutput = 0
OMap.diffuseMap.alphaSource = 2
OMap.diffuseMap.preMultAlpha = off
OMap.diffuseMap.coords.blur = 0.01
Omap.selfIllumAmount = 100
Omap.diffusemap.coords.U_Tile = false
Omap.diffusemap.coords.V_Tile = false
if BMopen.hasalpha do
OpacityTextMap = Bitmaptexture fileName:FullMapPath
OMap.opacityMap = OpacityTextMap
OMap.opacityMap.name = MapName + "_OpacityMap"
OMap.opacityMap.monoOutput = 1
OMap.opacityMap.rgbOutput = 1
OMap.opacityMap.alphaSource = 0
OMap.opacityMap.preMultAlpha = off
OMap.opacityMap.coords.blur = 0.01
Omap.opacityMap.coords.U_Tile = false
Omap.opacityMap.coords.V_Tile = false
showTexturemap Omap true
PlaneObj = Plane length:((BMheight as float/100)*sizeratio) width:((BMwidth as float/100)*sizeratio) mapcoords:false name:MapName motionblur:#object
PlaneObj.showFrozenInGray = off
PlaneObj.pos += [PosOffset+(PlaneObj.width/2),0,0]
PosOffset +=planeobj.width
PlaneObj.material = Omap
case ViewportAlign of
2:(in coordsys (transmatrix PlaneObj.transform.pos) PlaneObj.rotation = (eulerangles -90 0 0))
3:(in coordsys (transmatrix PlaneObj.transform.pos) PlaneObj.rotation = (eulerangles -90 90 0))
4:(in coordsys (transmatrix PlaneObj.transform.pos) PlaneObj.rotation = (eulerangles -90 -90 0))
local ratio = BMwidth/BMheight as float
paramWire.connect2Way PlaneObj.baseObject[#length] PlaneObj.baseObject[#width] ("Width / "+ratio as string) ("Length * " + ratio as string)
max select all
max zoomext sel
max views redraw
close BMopen
PosOffset = 0
files = getfiles @"C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\*.jpg"
for o in files do MakeFlatObjects o 2. 1
thanks people – I’ll try those scripts out!
denisT – I wanted the objects to use its corresponding .jpeg as its diffuse channel – could use materials ids etc – but I wasn’t sure a fast way
Thanks scripters – I will do my best to ‘understand’ the scripts too