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[Closed] Are dynamic structs possible? Reopen

Thanks Man, good night and Happy new year 2019

It’s not the same, but… how about this?


		fn setStruct structID =
			if isKindOf structID integer do
				ID = structID
				_ = globalStructs[ID]
				return globalStNames[ID]
			if isKindOf structID StructDef do
				_ = structID
				ID = findItem globalStructs structID
				return globalStNames[ID]
			if isKindOf structID name or  isKindOf structID string do
				structID = structID as name
				ID = findItem globalStNames structID
				_ =  globalStructs[ID]
				return globalStNames[ID]
		fn current = globalStNames[ID], 
		on create do
			-- You can fill here the arrays with your method reading from an INI file
			globalStNames = #(#arrayOps, #mathOps)
			-- Default value:
			ID = 1
			_ = globalStructs[ID]
	-- Use:
	SCM._.reverseArray #(1,2,3)
	SCM.setStruct #mathOps
	scm._.isInteger 4
	scm.setStruct 1
	a=#(1,2,3); scm._.removeItem a 3; a
	scm.setStruct MY_MATH_STRUCTURE
	scm._.roundToInt 25.45 10

EDIT: Happy New Year!!

Nice one andres!, Happy year too
You script is another angle of view
I think we are more close now…

I’m sorry for starting this topic from end, wee need to start at beginning
one example of dynamic structure (in Flash called Class)
I will show it in actionscript language for better understanding

  1. [package classes] this header shown directory location of this class
    @example: D:\work\my_project\classes*.*
  2. [public class Person] this like in maxscript –> Struct person ()
package classes
    public class Person
        // Properties.
        public var _age:Number;
        public var _name:String;

        // Constructor.
        public function Person(age:Number, name:String)
           _age = age;
           _name = name;
import classes.Person;
var marty:Person = new Person(24, "Marty");
trace (marty._age) // 24
  1. now we gonna to extend class Person and make new Class –> Person_Mage
package classes // we can stay in same directory
    public class Person_Mage extends Person
        // add some new property
        public var _inteligence:Number;

        // Constructor.
        public function Person_Mage (age:Number, name:String, inteligence:Number)
           _age = age;
           _name = name;
           _inteligence = inteligence;

        // Create person mage function
        public function throwFireball(target:Point):Bollean
           if inteligence > 50 then trace("You hit target!") else trace("You miss....")
           return inteligence > 50 
import classes.Person_Mage ;
var marty:Person_Mage = new Person_Mage (24, "Marty", 80);
trace (marty.throwFireball(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z)) // "You hit target!"

I dot know if this is the best example but extending mechanic is visible

here is one maxscript example

  1. Base Dotnet Form Struct
Global mcBaseForm
if ::mcBaseForm != undefined do try(mcBaseForm.Close())catch()
	struct NET_FN (
		fn netRect pos size   = (dotnetObject "Drawing.Rectangle" pos.x pos.y size.x size.y),
		fn netColor clr       = ((dotNetClass "Drawing.Color").fromArgb clr.r clr.g clr.b)
	local mcs, dia, net = NET_FN()
	local mcs, dia

		-- Default Properties
		form = dotNetObject "MaxCustomControls.Maxform",
		lblT      = dotNetObject "label",
		tlp        = dotNetObject "TableLayoutPanel",
		debug = 0,

		-- Default Functions
		fn maxHW = (
			local hv = DotNetObject "NativeWindow"
			hv.AssignHandle (DotNetObject "System.IntPtr" (Windows.GetMaxHWND())) 
			return hv
		fn close = (dia.close()),
		fn changeBackcolor s a = (s.backColor = net.netColor mcs.form_color),

		-- SetUp Interface
		fn init pos:[400, 350] size:[350, 250] backcolor:yellow title:"Max Form" = (
			form_size = size
			form_color = backcolor
			form.text = title
			form.StartPosition = form.StartPosition.Manual
			form.bounds = net.netRect pos size
			-- Default Events
			dotnet.AddEventHandler form "BackColorChanged" changeBackcolor --override backcolorchanged event (without this form color is default)
			local hv = maxHW () -- Shows the form with the specified owner (MAX) to the user (creatd by lo)
		initIt = init pos:[400, 350] size:[350, 250] title:"My Form 1 v0.01"
	mcBaseForm = DOTNET_FORM_BASE()
	mcs = mcBaseForm --structure shortcut (simplest use)
	dia = mcBaseForm.form --form instance
  1. and here is “extended version” (is rewritten from begin)
    should be an extension because is have all like in base (but how to do this?)
Global mcCompactForm
if ::mcCompactForm != undefined do try(mcCompactForm.Close())catch()
	struct NET_FN (
		fn netRect pos size   = (dotnetObject "Drawing.Rectangle" pos.x pos.y size.x size.y),
		fn netColor clr       = ((dotNetClass "Drawing.Color").fromArgb clr.r clr.g clr.b),
		fn mcFormSnap form pos = (
			local newpos = mouse.screenpos - pos
			local net_pos =  dotnetObject "Drawing.Point" newpos.x newpos.y
			form.location = net_pos
	local mcs, dia, net = NET_FN()

		-- Default Properties
		form = dotNetObject "MaxCustomControls.Maxform",
		lblT      = dotNetObject "label",
		tlp        = dotNetObject "TableLayoutPanel",
		netDmPos, --mouse pos on dialog
		bar_height      = 14,
		border_offset  = 2,
		debug = 0,

		-- Default Functions
		fn maxHW = (
			local hv = DotNetObject "NativeWindow"
			hv.AssignHandle (DotNetObject "System.IntPtr" (Windows.GetMaxHWND())) 
			return hv
		fn close = (dia.close()),
		fn changeBackcolor s a = (s.backColor = net.netColor mcs.form_color),
		--Move / Snap Dialog
		fn onLblTMouseMove s a = ( if a.Button == a.Button.left do  net.mcFormSnap dia mcs.netDmPos), --drag form
		fn onLblTMouseDown s a = ( --start drag
			dia.cursor.current = netCursors.Hand
			if a.Button == a.Button.left do ( --enable drag
				mcs.netDmPos = [dia.MousePosition.x, dia.MousePosition.y] - [dia.left,]  
		fn onLblTMouseUp s a = (if a.Button == a.Button.right then mcs.close()), --stop drag or close
		-- Custom  Functions
		-- SetUp Interface
		fn init pos:[400, 350] size:[350, 250] backcolor:yellow forecolor:white toolbarcolor:blue title:"Max Form" = (
			form_size = size
			form_color = backcolor
			form.text = title
			form.ControlBox  = false --hide main bar
			form.ShowInTaskbar = false
			form.StartPosition = form.StartPosition.Manual
			form.bounds = net.netRect pos size
			form.FormBorderStyle = form.FormBorderStyle.none
			form.BackColor = net.netColor backcolor
			form.opacity = 1
			lblT.bounds = net.netRect [border_offset, border_offset] [form_size.x - border_offset*10 , bar_height]
			lblT.BackColor = net.netColor toolbarcolor
			lblT.ForeColor = net.netColor forecolor
			lblT.Text = title
			--Componnts Layout
			tlp.Bounds  = net.netRect [border_offset, bar_height + border_offset * 2] [form_size.x - 20, form_size.y - 36]
			tlp.backColor = net.netColor backcolor
			-- Default Events
			dotNet.addEventHandler lblT   "MouseMove" onLblTMouseMove
			dotNet.addEventHandler lblT   "MouseDown" onLblTMouseDown 
			dotNet.addEventHandler lblT   "MouseUp" onLblTMouseUp
			dotnet.AddEventHandler form "BackColorChanged" changeBackcolor --override backcolorchanged event (without this form color is default)
			--Add Controls
			form.controls.addRange ( #(tlp, lblT)  )
			local hv = maxHW () -- Shows the form with the specified owner (MAX) to the user (creatd by lo)
		initIt = init pos: [800, 350] size:[350, 250] title:"My Form 2 v0.01"
	mcCompactForm = DOTNET_FORM_BASE()
	mcs = mcCompactForm --structure shortcut (simplest use)
	dia = mcCompactForm.form --form instance

second structure should be extension from the first one

That seems more a matter of inheritance than of dynamic class.
Really hard to imagine how to do it.

1 Reply
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Without any usability, but fun … (just to start the new year )


struct parentStruct
	-- Public Struct Data and Functions
	parentVar_02 = 5,
	parentVar_03 = "Hello",
	fn parentFN_01 = parentVar_01 * parentVar_02,
	fn parentFN_02 data = data * 3 * this._parentVar_01,
	-- Inherit Functions (Fixed, always the same for parent and children)
	fn _getHeader = this.stHeader,
	fn _getPublic = this.stPublic,
	fn _getPrivate = this.stPrivate,
	fn _getClose = this.stClose,
	-- Fixed Inherit Function ONLY for first parent
	fn _createDerivedClass child=
		txtPublic = this.stPublic + child._getPublic()
		txtPrivate = this.stPrivate + child._getPrivate()
		txtClose = this.stClose + "\n" + child._getClose()
		txt = "struct " + child._getHeader() + "("
		txt += txtPublic
		txt += this.stInheritFN
		txt += "private " + txtPrivate
		txt += "stHeader = \"" + child._getHeader() + "\","
		txtPublic = substituteString txtPublic "\\" "\\\\"
		txtPublic = substituteString txtPublic "\"" "\\\""
		txt += "stPublic = \"" + txtPublic + "\","
		txtPrivate = substituteString txtPrivate "\\" "\\\\"
		txtPrivate = substituteString txtPrivate "\"" "\\\""
		txt += "stPrivate = \"" + txtPrivate + "\","
		fixtxtClose = substituteString txtClose "\\" "\\\\"
		fixtxtClose = substituteString fixtxtClose "\"" "\\\""
		txt += "stClose = \"" + fixtxtClose + "\","
		fixstInheritFN = substituteString this.stInheritFN "\\" "\\\\"
		fixstInheritFN = substituteString fixstInheritFN "\"" "\\\""
		txt += "stInheritFN = \"" + fixstInheritFN + "\","
		txt += "on create do (" + txtClose + "))"
		derivedClass = execute txt
	-- Private Struct Data and Functions
	_parentVar_01 = 10,
	-- Data needed for inheritance
	-- Must fill for each parent and child (it's a copy of struct definition)
	stHeader = "parentStruct",
	stPublic =
	parentVar_02 = 5,
	parentVar_03 = \"Hello\",
	fn parentFN_01 = parentVar_01 * parentVar_02,
	fn parentFN_02 data = data * 3 * this._parentVar_01,
	stPrivate =
	_parentVar_01 = 10,
	stClose = "",

	-- Fixed data and functions ONLY for first parent
	stInheritFN =
	fn _getHeader = this.stHeader,
	fn _getPublic = this.stPublic,
	fn _getPrivate = this.stPrivate,
	fn _getClose = this.stClose,
	fn _createDerivedClass child=
		txtPublic = this.stPublic + child._getPublic()
		txtPrivate = this.stPrivate + child._getPrivate()
		txtClose = this.stClose + \"\\n\" + child._getClose()
		txt = \"struct \" + child._getHeader() + \"(\"
		txt += txtPublic
		txt += this.stInheritFN
		txt += \"private \" + txtPrivate
		txt += \"stHeader = \\\"\" + child._getHeader() + \"\\\",\"
		txtPublic = substituteString txtPublic \"\\\\\" \"\\\\\\\\\"
		txtPublic = substituteString txtPublic \"\\\"\" \"\\\\\\\"\"
		txt += \"stPublic = \\\"\" + txtPublic + \"\\\",\"
		txtPrivate = substituteString txtPrivate \"\\\\\" \"\\\\\\\\\"
		txtPrivate = substituteString txtPrivate \"\\\"\" \"\\\\\\\"\"
		txt += \"stPrivate = \\\"\" + txtPrivate + \"\\\",\"
		fixtxtClose = substituteString txtClose \"\\\\\" \"\\\\\\\\\"
		fixtxtClose = substituteString fixtxtClose \"\\\"\" \"\\\\\\\"\"
		txt += \"stClose = \\\"\" + fixtxtClose + \"\\\",\"
		fixstInheritFN = substituteString this.stInheritFN \"\\\\\" \"\\\\\\\\\"
		fixstInheritFN = substituteString fixstInheritFN \"\\\"\" \"\\\\\\\"\"
		txt += \"stInheritFN = \\\"\" + fixstInheritFN + \"\\\",\"
		txt += \"on create do (\" + txtClose + \"))\"
		derivedClass = execute txt
	on create do ()
parentStruct = parentStruct()

struct ChildStruct
	childVar_02 = 7,
	fn childFN_01 = childVar_01 * childVar_02,
	-- Inherit Functions (Fixed, always the same for parent and children)
	fn _getHeader = this.stHeader,
	fn _getPublic = this.stPublic,
	fn _getPrivate = this.stPrivate,
	fn _getClose = this.stClose,
	-- Data needed for inheritance
	-- Must fill for each parent and child (it's a copy of struct definition)
	stHeader = "ChildStruct",
	stPublic =
	childVar_02 = 7,
	fn childFN_01 = childVar_01 * childVar_02,
	stPrivate = "",
	stClose =
	print childVar_02
	print \"Creating\"
	on create do
		print childVar_02
		print "Creating"
ChildStruct = ChildStruct()

completeChildStruct = parentStruct._createDerivedClass ChildStruct
completeChildStruct = completeChildStruct()

struct subChildStruct
	subchildVar_01 = 55,
	-- Inherit Functions (Fixed, always the same for parent and children)
	fn _getHeader = this.stHeader,
	fn _getPublic = this.stPublic,
	fn _getPrivate = this.stPrivate,
	fn _getClose = this.stClose,
	_subchildVar_01 = 66,
	-- Data needed for inheritance
	-- Must fill for each parent and child (it's a copy of struct definition)
	stHeader = "subChildStruct",
	stPublic =
	subchildVar_01 = 55,
	stPrivate = 
	_subchildVar_01 = 66,
	stClose =
	on create do
subChildStruct = subChildStruct()

RecompleteChildStruct = completeChildStruct._createDerivedClass subChildStruct
RecompleteChildStruct = RecompleteChildStruct()


hi Andres,
your script looks promising.
it will take some time for me to explore it.

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