[Closed] Anyone know a script to Seperate all SUBObject IDs into new objects?
Hi there…
Dose anyone know of any script around tha place that can read a meshin max and see all the material ids, then detach each ID into a new mesh file?
Thanks in Advance.
–The Jynks
i wrote this in a few minutes, haven’t tried it with complex objects but it works for the time being. i may alter the code later, or include a gui maybe.
--name the object you want to detach using material IDs
OBJ = $Box01
--count materialIDs...
materialIDs = #()
totalfaces = polyop.getNumFaces OBJ
for thisFace = 1 to totalfaces do (
facemapID = polyop.getFaceMatID OBJ thisFace
appendIfUnique materialIDs facemapID
--for each material id...
for thismapID = 0 to materialIDs.count do
totalfaces = polyop.getNumFaces OBJ
faceArray = #()
for thisFace = 1 to totalfaces do (
facemapID = polyop.getFaceMatID OBJ thisFace
if facemapID == thismapID then (
appendIfUnique faceArray thisFace
polyop.detachFaces OBJ faceArray delete:true asNode:true name:("Detached"+thismapID as String)
-- as no face remained, we are deleting the empty object
delete OBJ
-- disable this if you have hidden faces
just change the first line “OBJ = $Box01” with your objects name…
i don’t know if there is a poly function to find the materialID count (not material count). so, script looks at each face and finds unique matIDs. so if you are working with high poly counts, this script might take some time to process.
also, the object has to be a poly
ed: this just detaches the faces as new polys. did you wanted to save them as max files ?
i found a few errors in my logic on that script. for once, i was keeping the number of materialIDs, but not the matID’s themselves, so an object may have matIDs {3,4,5}, but the script will think those as {0,1,2}.
to solve the problem, i used the array instead of the count.
plus, i added a simple gui. the code is a little dirty and still this is for poly only, not enough free time
maybe someone can modify it for editable mesh or patch…
materialIDs = #()
SelectedOBJ = ""
function DetachMatIDOne obj vminid vmaxid = (
undo on
select obj
for thismapID = vminid to vmaxid do
totalfaces = polyop.getNumFaces obj
faceArray = #()
for thisFace = 1 to totalfaces do
facemapID = polyop.getFaceMatID obj thisFace
if facemapID == thismapID then
appendIfUnique faceArray thisFace
polyop.detachFaces obj faceArray delete:true asNode:true name:(obj.name + "_ID_"+thismapID as String)
obj.wirecolor = [random 0 254,random 0 254,random 0 254]
deselect obj
if vminid == 1 then
if vmaxid == (amax materialIDs) then (
delete obj
rollout DetachMatIDs "Detach MaterialIDs" width:200 height:340
pickButton picker "Pick" pos:[10,15] width:35 height:15
label picked "<-- pick an object" pos:[52,16] width:110 height:15
label idcount "MaterialID Count: 0" pos:[10,40] width:145 height:15
spinner minid "Min ID :" pos:[20,70] width:85 height:16 type:#integer fieldWidth:45 range:[0,0,0]
spinner maxid "Max ID :" pos:[20,90] width:85 height:16 type:#integer fieldWidth:45 range:[0,0,0]
button detachsub "Detach using MatIDs" pos:[10,120] width:125 height:25
on picker picked obj do
if (classof obj) == Editable_Poly then
materialIDs = #()
picked.text = obj.name
SelectedOBJ = obj
select obj
totalfaces = polyop.getNumFaces obj
for thisFace = 1 to totalfaces do
facemapID = polyop.getFaceMatID obj thisFace
appendIfUnique materialIDs facemapID
sort materialIDs
deselect obj
idcount.text = "MaterialID Count: "+((amax materialIDs) as string)
minid.range = [1,(amax materialIDs),1]
maxid.range = [1,(amax materialIDs),(amax materialIDs)]
) else (
messagebox "You must select an editable poly object." title:"Detach MatIDs"
on minid changed newValue do ( if newValue >= maxid.value then maxid.value = newValue )
on maxid changed newValue do ( if newValue <= minid.value then minid.value = newValue )
on detachsub pressed do DetachMatIDOne SelectedOBJ minid.value maxid.value
DMIDFloater = newRolloutFloater "emrahgunduz.com" 160 200
addRollOut DetachMatIDs DMIDFloater
wrote the script in max 2008, some methods may not be supported in earlier versions.
thank you… I havn’t really had many problems with your thing so far. Cheers.