[Closed] Animation speed of different objects
Hi everybody,
we are creating 2 objects that move on different paths. we would like to make one object move slower than the 2nd one. we tried creating different files and then merging them but it didnt work. Please help…
Thanx in advance
The position on the path (and thus speed) is controlled by keyframes in the Path constraint. By default, Max automatically sets a key with 0% on the first frame and 100% on the last frame. If you slide the second key to the left, the object will travel faster and will reach the end of the path on the new frame of the second key…
Unless I missed something in your short description.,
Ill try it out, but I think this would only make the second object move after the specified amount of time( the second frame beginning ). what I want is to make them start moving together and one will move slower than the other, is it clearer?
thanks for your reply
Bobo is absolutely right try it out yourself do this.
Create two boxes select both and press animate move to the last frame and change the position of both boxes to a new position. if u run the time slider, both boxes will move at the same pace towards the end position. Max will create two keys for both boxes at frame 0 and frame 100.
Now as Bobo said select one of the boxes and change the end key from 100 to 60. Now when u run the slider, this box whose key has been moved will accelerate and meet the end position at frame 60 before the other box.
Try it out u will get it working.
i tried it and it is workin!!
one more question, how can I make the animation continuous in a smooth motion. im rotating 2 spheres along 2 ellipses, and one is faster than the other, I dont want them to stop and replay i want them to move in a continuos motion.
Thank you
Theres a checkbox called “keep constant speed” in the path controller rollout options.
Also make sure that your last frame ends at almost the same position where your first frame is this way the animation would seem continous.
If you are indeed using Path Constraint, select the object that is moving, open the Track View in Curve Editor mode, select the Percent track in the Position (Path Constraint) controller, go to Controller menu, select Out-Of-Range types and check the two buttons below the “Relative Repeat” icon.
Your animation will repeat forever at the speed you defined.
thank you guys for the help, I tried BOBO’s method and it does loop forever in the 3D max software but when I render it into an .avi format it animates till frame 100 and stops 🙁 . Im new in using this software, so could you tell me if Im to do an education package where I can let the user interact with the program(click and do some operation) what format Im supposed to convert it to? what I know is that it wont be .avi…
It really depends on how this animation is going to be presented. If you’re using it in a webpage context, you’d probably want to use something like flash. Even a desktop presentation could use flash in the same way. If it’s small enough in resolution, you might be better off using a GIF animation, which has looping built in.
If you animate enough frames, your two spheres will eventually meet again, at which point you could loop the animation seamlessly. Without the details, that’s about all I can suggest.