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[Closed] animate visibility for large number of objects
Jul 23, 2007 9:13 am
Hello, I’m looking for a script that would automatically switch visibility from 0 to 1 for hundreds of objects in a sequence based on object name (number in it) – I need to achieve same effect as in those movies showing rapidly growing buildings (like “extreme engineering” on discovery channel); so far I only managed to find neon-visibility-animator but it doesn’t work for some reason
Thanks for help
1 Reply
Jul 23, 2007 9:13 am
ok, seems my bro hijacked my account to post the thread, hehe.
Anyway… I wrote this script for him, but maybe someone else will need this kind of tool, so here is the code:
macroScript VisibilityControl category:"Visibility"
rollout Main "Visibility Control"
group "Create"
spinner start "Start at: " range:[1,100,1] align:#left
spinner N "N-th: " range:[1,100,1] align:#left
button CreateVisibility "Create Visibility Control" align:#center width:150
group "Delete"
button DeleteVisibility "Delete Visibility Control" align:#center width:150
on CreateVisibility pressed do
obj = selection as array
frame = start.value
for i=1 to obj.count do
obj[i].visibility = true
obj[i].visibility = bezier_float()
(addNewKey obj[i].visibility.controller frame).value = 0
(addNewKey obj[i].visibility.controller (frame+1)).value = 1
frame = frame + N.value
) --end CreateVisiblity
on DeleteVisibility pressed do
obj = selection as array
for i=1 to obj.count do
deleteKeys obj[i].visibility.controller
(addNewKey obj[i].visibility.controller 0).value = 1
) --end DeleteVisibility
) --end rollout
on execute do createDialog Main Width:250
) --end script
Really simple thing, maybe someone else will find it usefull.