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[Closed] animate on — setting rotations also offsetting and keying translation

Hey there. So, I’m transferring data from one animated rig to a completely different animated rig. Translations seem to be working fine, but whenever I apply a key to the rotations using this code:

                     for animTime in animStart to animEnd do
   with animate on
     at time animTime
 	 p = inverse proxyName.transform.rotationPart
 	  orientName.rotation = p
 I end up setting keys on the orientation and translation.  Conceptually, I think I know what's going on (I could be wrong).  Since the position of a rotated object in a hierarchy is also changing it's world position and "animate on" records changes associated with objects referenced within, it sets keys on position as well.  Is there a way to isolate the keys to the rotation and avoid altering the translation?  Maybe I'm not setting the right rotation value.
 Any hints?

– oh, and how the hell do I get

 to display my code properly.

1 Reply

[left]Look up “Node Transform Properties” in the Maxscript Help. At the bottom there is a script for world rotation without effecting the node position.


– oh, and how the hell do I get

 to display my code properly.

Use quote instead.